Friends In a Better, Braver Lifetime
Friends In A Better, Braver...
Love is Color Blind Chapter 3: Communication
Robin was gasping the cold, winter air hard. It hadn't snowed yet, but it was still very cold, causing the Sylveon to shiver. He had forgotten to grab a jacket on the way to class, not expecting to head outside since there were indoor hallways between...
Conveyor Belt
The jackal wondered if people in the system got on your case for using your communicator too much, the way people did with phones on earth. "when i can afford one," she added. how much could a communicator cost?
Paranormal Activity
It has been noted that there are usually communication problems with 'negative' entities. only real psychics should attempt to communicate with the entity, just as priests are the best for a proper exorcism.
Enigma Story Chapter 1
"yes, sir" bob got on his communicator and ordered his men to continue firing. they received their orders and continued firing. "master, what do we do?" asked the apprentice.
Introduction to Manipulators: Linguistics and Phonetics
Sure, they can communicate silently using the enic (see "the brains, the computer, and the data stream"), but that doesn't communicate emotion or meaning near as well as their standard language.
Krystal and Chase: Stone Ghost p2
When the three finally reached the communications tower krystal noted their location.
Doom: Rise of Evil Ch.1: Arrival.
After making it to communications, angus looked at johnathan. "no, let me get this communication out! i've seen things, things you can't possibly understand or chomprihend: the devil is _real_! i know, i built his cage."
Notes on Surksàasnian
This became frustrating when they attempted to re-integrate themselves into surk society and could not properly communicate.
Enigma Wars: First Assignment (for MissEcho)
She pulled out her communicator and spoke, "master, i finally found it." "okay, now take it out." sandy responded from the other side of the communicator. "uh, master we also have a problem. general maverick is here."
Tenerife Airport Disaster
[this the last radio communication involving the two aircraft.
The New Machine
The vrc(voice-radio communicator) is a type of cell phone that can switch the signal into either radio or voice signals. it was design because of furries in space can communicate in there radio while working.