Enigma Wars: First Assignment (for MissEcho)
#4 of Enigma Wars
I'm gonna break off from To Catch a General. To write this story for MissEcho. I hope you enjoy.
On planet Pantora at the Enigma temple which is just on the outskirts of the city. In the training room, a flash of purple sliced right through a training android. The female otteress sheathed her light saber, she wore an enigma training gear. At the age of seventeen, her master, master Sandy a lioness get there first assignment to join the war against the Allegiance.
"Echo!" Her master called out to her. Echo turned to her master seeing her standing at the entrance. The lioness master in her robes and brown leather boots, walked to her apprentice, hearing the boots click under her with each step. Echo bowed to her master in show of respect, and stood straight back up and said, "Yes, my master."
"Echo, I want you to get ready." Her master spoke with the sound of grace in her voice.
"Why, master?" Echo asked a little concerned
"We got our orders to go to planet Aquires." Sandy answered her apprentice.
"Yes, master." Echo said calmly, but on the inside she was jumping with excitement, Ever since the war broke out she's been wanting to do her part in it, but her training had to come first, if she didn't train she wouldn't have lasted long on the battlefield. And now was her chance to put her master's training to good use. "When do we leave, master?"
"Whenever you are ready, I'll be at the landing platform." They bowed to each other and both walked out of the training room and went their seperate ways.
Sometime later, Sandy and a few Pantoran panther soldiers equipped with armor, blasters of different cailburs, grenades, and rocket launchers. Were already waiting for Echo to arrive. A few minutes later, Echo arrived at the landing platform, in her robes and regular boots. "I'm here, master. Sorry if I took so long." She apologized for her tardiness, or so she thought.
"That's alright my apprentice, Captain we are ready to go." Sandy said to the captain, who nodded and went into the ship followed by the others. Inside the ship there were two rows of seats one row on side of the wall and one on the other. They took their seats, Echo sat next to her master, the other seats were filled by the soldiers, when they were all seated the ships engines started and flew out of the planet. Meanwhile Echo may have looked and acted calm, but she was happy she was getting off of Pantora and go somewhere else. She looked to her master and asked, "Master what is planet Aquires? It sounds like a water planet."
"That it is, my young apprentice. The Allegiance has planned to use the planet as a testing site for a new weapon, which we must destroy before they use it." Sandy explained and answered to her apprentice.
"Do we know what the weapon is, master?" Echo asked trying to understand the assignment
"I'm afraid we don't know anything more about it, my apprentice." Sandy answered Echo's question.
The ship arrived at the water planet and landed on a landing platform on a base on the surface of the water, the ship engines turned off, and the ramp lowered itself as they walked out of the ship. Echo's eye's lite up when she saw the water sparkle due to the sun. "I gotta come back here again, the water looks nice." She said admiring the water.
"Stay focused Echo, we have a mission to do." Sandy said trying to get her apprentice to stay focused.
"Yes, master." Echo agreed with her master and they walked to the command center, when they reached the command center they were greeted by a wolf in a dark shade of brown enigma robes. All three bowed to each other, "Master Jetfur. A pleasure to see that your here. How's your master?" Sandy talked to him, while Echo looked at a 3D map of the planet, she studied it until she came upon an Allegiance base on the other side of the map. The two masters finished talking with each other, "Okay, Echo. It's time to destroy that weapon, and send the Allegiance packing." Wolf said to the young otter.
Echo looked back at him, and smiled, "Yes, master." She said sounding excited.
"Then let's go." Sandy saind, while walking out of the command center, with Wolf and Echo behind her back to the ship. They walked back in the ship, "Okay, captain we're ready to go."
"yes, General." The panther captain responded back to the lioness, and the ship started back up and flew to the Allegiance base.
"So what's our plan of attack master?" Echo asked ready to do something exciting.
"You, my apprentice." Sandy pulls out a holo-plan, and a image came up showing the base, "will enter through the under water vents and deactivate their communications and power. While the rest of us will get their attention and destroy the weapon." she turned it off and pocketed it. The ship came to a stop over Echo's drop site, the ramp lowered and Echo got ready. Then Sandy walked up behind her, Echo turned around to face her.
"Echo, may the enigma be with." Sandy said
"And let it be with you master," she said as she fell back. Sandy looked over the edge of the ramp to see her apprentice dive into the water. The ship flew to the second drop point, Echo hit the cool, calm water and she swam to the under water vents. Which were wide enough for her to fit through even with her robes on. Echo surfaced inside the base, she stayed low so the guards wouldn't see her. When a guard passed by and left, she resurfaced and climbed out of the water, and changed out of her swim wear and back into her training robes.
And she pulled out her communicator, "Master, I'm in." She said quitely so she can't be heard.
"Good, Echo, and we're in position as well, just waiting for you to cut off the power." Sandy responded
"Okay, Echo out." She put her communicator away, grabes the handle of her light saber and quickly and quitely made her way through the base to find the power room. Echo hides in a room from two passing guards, when they passed she got up and heard electrial sounds behind her. She turned around and ready her light saber, then she looked around the empty room, until a voice said, "Greetings young Enigma." Echo turned around to see a black fox in black apprentice training gear. His brown eyes meeting hers.
"I know you, your General Maverick. Wolfen's assassin." Echo ready her purple light saber.
"Correct." Maverick said as he draws his crimson red light saber.
"The enigma killer, prepare to have the fight of your life." Echo said standing up to him.
"That wouldn't be you, I guess the enigmas are running out of masters for me to kill. so they send a child to fight me." He swings to Echo's left, which she blocked. Echo quickly spun around behind him and went for a slice to his back. Maverick drew his second red saber and put behind him to block her strike, he spun and swung with his first saber to her head. Echo ducked and flipped backwards to dodge his second swing, she landed on her feet and ready herself again.
"You're quicker than I thought, young enigma." Maverick said as he readied himself.
"General Maverick, you're younger than I expected." Echo slyly insulted him.
"Enigma scum." Maverick insulted back, and swung at her again with both of his sabers this time. Echo blocked, but was having trouble keeping her saber up, because Maverick was, or is stronger than her. Her strength was slowly giving out, the sabers getting closer to her.
"Give up now and I'll promise you will die swiftly." Maverick giving her a deadly offer with evil grin on his fox muzzle.
"I'll. . . never. . . give. . . up* Echo struggle to keep her light saber up.
Then she removed one of her webed paw off her saber and did force push to Maverick, sending him flying back, making him hit the far end of the room floor. She slowly got back to standing straight and runs out of the room, light saber still drawn runing down the hall to find the power room.
Back in the room, Maverick the black fox regained his composure and got back up putting his light saber handles back on his belt and force dashed out of the room and down the hall rushing to catch her. Echo finds the power room, sure she had to cut down a few soldiers to get there, but she was releaved that she found it. She pulled out her communicator and spoke, "Master, I finally found it."
"Okay, now take it out." Sandy responded from the other side of the communicator.
"Uh, master we also have a problem. General Maverick is here." Echo said sounding a little distressed.
"That's not good, come to the pick up point." Sandy said a bit concerned for her apprentice.
"Yes, master." Echo put her communicator away and stabbed the console cutting off the power to the whole base, even communications were down. Maverick stopped in his tracks and watch the lights go out above him, "Hmm, the power room." He forced dashed to the power room.
Echo left the power room and ran to the hangar bay, to where her master should be waiting. The doors opened to the hangar bay, seeing dead Allegiance soldiers on the floor, and seeing the ship they came in. She sighs in relief and walks to the ship, the ramp lowers and her master walks down it to greet her. Echo smiles seeing a familar face that she trust's. she reaches the ramp and they both walk in together. The ramp closing behind them and ships engines started flew out of the enemy hangar. Maverick dashes in the hanger to see them leave, he growls in anger as they get away, "Enigma scum." He howled
Two gaint missles were coming at the base, Maverick spot's them and dashes to his ship, starting it up and fly out of the hanger before it was destroyed.
"Time to go home." Sandy said to a sleeping Echo, tired out from fighting Maverick. The ship went into hyper space back to Pantora.