New Beginnings...
The humanoid vixen pulled the sleeping youth closer to her body as she paused to catch her breath. She leans her weight and her sons on her arms against an oak tree. Her fox ears twitched listening for the sound of any pursuers. So far, there was...
Seth and the Soul
The creature before him was somehow damaged, and thus no pure celestial creature.
A Celestial Garden
A dark serpentine creature drifted through the darkness of space, between the many lights that make up the sea of stars. Her luminous pink eyes glanced left and right, curiously watching over all the little worlds that circle the pinpricks of light....
Nether Encyclopaedia: the Celestials
Most celestials wear metallic masks for some reason. the celestials all have a few forms that they can change to and from. they call those: frames. all celestials have three.
Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)
"you will have me, and my secrets of celestial fire. as a matter of fact, you'll have them in 10.8 seconds. and together we shall see if there is a truth about the thousand hells that await us!"
Unfamiliar Magic
"now quickly, make the pact like i showed, otherwise it will be pulled back into the celestial realm. "arf?" telani asked. celestial realm? what was she talking about? telani lived on the mortal plane just like everyone else.
Grim Forge
Radical demons with angels try to help some of the damned break out of hell while some less radical demons with angels submit proposals to the celestial authorities for long-term rehabilitation programs for the damned.
Nether Encyclopaedia: The Realm.
Edennia: home of the celestials a bright and glowing city of marble and gold, surrounded by wide plains of perfectly green grass and majestic scenery.
The Pillow Book of Sethira: Entry Two
We are not tied to aefarell, terriam, or to celestial creation." "which is why we will have to create our mortals outside of terriam and bring them there to bless the continent.
Concept Ideas for a story
Her wisdom of magic and celestial law is outstanding. she was born in the lost city of atlantis. themes no-yiff, sci-fi, fantasy, fat, femboy
Warm Up - 7
"can't believe there is a celestial hiding in this backwater of a planet." luckily no commoner was familiar with what a 'celestial' was.
Chapter 34
Instinctively, he infused void energy into his tail and thrust it behind him while also sending out a web of celestial energy to lock down the surrounding area. boom!