Bohemian Blasphemy

#6 of journey of the shadow archive this is a parody off of the fantastic song bohemian rhapsody from the brilliant band queen. is there a real knife? is there just blasphemy? caught with the tour guide. no escape to the lavatory. open, my guys.


life looking backwards

When i was little i kind has this feeling like i was high but also alittle low, as a result, i can relate to bohemian rhapsody. but though that song i saw a different light even with all the heavy bullying that made my anxiety trigger to the point of depressive

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Green Fairy (Dangerous Spirits #1) Spoiler-Free Review

But even with nobody on his side but his best friend meg (who is even less popular than he is), the teenager finds answers and solace in an unlikely place: a 1901 book about a tragic gay romance in the bohemian district of lutèce, around the famed moulin rouge

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For Your Paws Only - Prologue

A busty, green-eyed, blond-haired cheetah by the name of geno who was as daring as constance was cautious, a bohemian spirit that lived for physical and sensuous experiences as constance lived for the scientific method.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.7 - The Malicious Masquerade

I initially tried to go with a more believable story; that we had been the victims of a cruel attempted assault by bohemian elements at a party. obviously when the policemen went to check they could find all the more ghastly evidence and go from there.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.1 - The Malicious Masquerade

And, i thought to myself, maybe spending a weekend on a country estate with some bohemians might be good for my dear sister. especially if she could find a wupert or at the very least someone willing to help out a pair of distressed damsels amongst them.

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[Blog] Califur 2017 In Review

Though i suppose not sticking around long for the dances probably didn't help either - though _someone _played bohemian rhapsody. i think that was on saturday, though.

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Kenny and I

Because of our time at summer camp, i knew that kenny liked to sing while in the shower, mostly bohemian rhapsody. this time there was not a peep from him. i was really starting to think that something was wrong. i thought for a while what to do.

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Lowering your guard is not a weakness

Saturday night grew colder with winter approaching, but the army of young bohemians who dominated the downtown streets fought the serene with a drunken, warm energy. the pub andrey was going to play was still closed and there was a busy queue outside.

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Confessions of an Inarian Rock Star: Chapter 1

"bohemian rhapsody. it's by this seventies group called queen!" mike's enthusiasm didn't really catch me. he showed me a cd of the wayne's world soundtrack, but i wasn't interested.

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Run for the Cliff

Theirs was a bohemian life, literary bedouins riding steel horses and living the comfort granted by a thermos of tea, a bag of books, and a shared wanderlust.

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While his collegiate counterparts are knee-deep in debt, hoping to make it big in the near future, he opted to not pursue a degree and instead adopt a different kind of lifestyle, working nights at library security and performing for hip, coffee-sipping bohemians

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