life looking backwards

Story by lexis lexi on SoFurry

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just thoughts on a song that changed my views on life. its so powerful, raw, and deep. the question is do we really matter or is it that we never really mattered in the first place, just pebbles in a pond sending small ripples? btw, this is just philosophical thoughts on a songs break down into meaning. no need to worry guys. @Thais Tatu Japa youtube did the animation check out her work as it is very beautiful. this animation kinda inspired me to write this, because i could of been that fox.

when i was little i kind has this feeling like i was high but also alittle low, as a result, i can relate to bohemian rhapsody. but though that song i saw a different light even with all the heavy bullying that made my anxiety trigger to the point of depressive anger and paranoia. this song made me see what the possibility of vengeance can do, even though i still have thoughts about it from time to time. vengeance is like a poison that swallows one whole in a never ending hell that cannot be avoided in life. everyone must go through this feeling in order to mature, but to conquer it or to challenge the feeling is difficult and hard and is a part of life as i stated before. how can we fix the poison or parasite that is human nature has always been my question in a quest to find everlasting peace with in myself and yes that is a selfish thought, as we as, humans have our own issues that we all deal with but never talk about. one of the issues i still have is my ego and it something i tried to let go of.