The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven I have been told already about Malefore, and that he was taken over by ancient Evils and could not control its will. After he was defeated by Spyro and Cynder, he was sealed away by the Ancestors. Over the past five years, he has...

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The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter Nine

_"There is a small line between a memory and a legend." -Me_ Chapter 9 The breeze is so cold. My muscles are cramping. I wonder if they woke up yet. I hope they will be ok knowing that I am no longer with them. I must find away to keep bad...

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truth about Michael's fellings

Dreams A boy, a dog, a path A man, a home, forever time A future, a past, a present A ball, a glove, a legend A night, a dream, a love A time, a place, a hope A bowl, a fish, a home A mother, a son, a bond Crying boy, old man, a view A...

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The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter 8

Well it has been a while now hasn't it? I have gone to the hospital recently checking on my son. I have been there every day. And now I have time to continue this story. I hope you enjoy this very much! Plus my brother DAVE does not talk much...


The Day That I Meet a Hero Chapter 01 REDO

This will be my first Story.... It won't be a big one.... A bit of a small one. I hope you enjoy it very much! :-7 The year is 2045....... The human race as all come together under the rule of Hydra( if you don't read comics, Hydra is from...

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Spyro's Death, but Family Chapter One

The Day has come. All creatures gathered around the northern part of the globe. No one happy, all tears in their eyes. The Day the mighty dragon, the Hero of all that is... DEAD Not a word was spoke... no happiness... all love and hope was...

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This is the Tale of the Hedgehogs-Prototype

This is only the beinning of what may come up. But for now this is just to see how many people would want to hear about this. Sonic Underground This takes place five years after the kids met with eachother after being seperated at brith. Apperently...

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The Day I Meet A Hero Chapter Seven

I cannot wait any longer! I want to finish this story! Even though I have more than 12 chapters remaining. Sorry for the wait, the recent Hurricane damaged my home, but thankfully no one got hurt. Here lies the story everyone wants to read! Spyro!...

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the Day I Meet a Hero Chapter Six Part Two

### _Sorry for the wait, I have not been able to get on as much after karate class, I wonder when these people think that they would ever reach my rank? They have more than ten years to catch up with me. But most people quit after a few weeks, two...

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The day I Meet A Hero Chapter Six Part one

### This is not going to be finished just yet, but it's though that I have to go to teach classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. ### And the Spyro and Cynder's kids are also with them. So it's not just six dragons, it's eight. #### Here it is...

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The Day I Meet a Hero Chapter Five

I know that these are short but they all add up in the end into about 15 Chapters told (30 of these short ones) It took us a while to get to the next town. We had stopped and had gone swimming in the stream that we were following to WarFang. I...

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The Day I Meet a Hero Chapter FourS

Chapter Four As we head for the dragon city of WarFang, we stopped at a few places and got launch at this kind of small place, it seemed not meant for dragons but for moles and other smaller creatures. The name was called "Dave's Den" ironic,...

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