the Day I Meet a Hero Chapter Six Part Two

Story by Son of Ignitus on SoFurry

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Sorry for the wait, I have not been able to get on as much after karate class, I wonder when these people think that they would ever reach my rank? They have more than ten years to catch up with me. But most people quit after a few weeks, two years most if they do not want to do it anymore. Not many people are a 4th degree Black belt like myself. Even though my sisters are both 2nd degree, I can never beat them in sparing! I guess since they are my blood, that I do not want to harm them. Enough talk! Now let's get back to the reason why we are here.........

Chapter Six part Two

We were silent. All was well. We devoured to our fill, and later sang about it. We felt as you may say 'drunk' yet we did not have any drinks, besides water.

The smell of the food was in the air. Nice heavenly roasted goose, with a side of blood. You may call it sick, but remember, we are dragons. I was the last to receive the food. But I did not mind, my family, especially the little ones came first. All I could think about was them. They are so little, yet they seem strong enough to beat the crap out of me. I smiled when they turned to me.

"Uncle Mike, can we hear about you?" asked Max.

"What would you like to hear?" I asked looking at both Dana and him.

"How was life as a human?" he said in the cutest way.

"Well for now I can say, that I love being a dragon more than I do a human."

"Why is that?"

"Well......" I did not know what to say. No one has asked me this question before. I was human long before I knew that these dragons are my family. I closed my eyes thinking back to all the times that stayed within my memories. There were sad and happy ones, but mostly anger. I opened up my eyes and saw max biting my paw. Trying to get me to respond. He seemed worried that I have left and was away for a long time.

"Well, I had a few good friends. Most of which died along my side in battle."

I started crying. Max wrapped his arms around my waist. He looked up at me and started crying as well.

"Why are you crying uncle Mikey?"

I wiped the tears from my face and looked back at him.

"Sorry for making you upset, I was just.... just remembering old friends."

"Well you did not answer my question completely, why do you like being a dragon more than a human?" Max barked, annoyed.

"I now have enough strength to protect my friends and family from harm. I do not want to just stand there and let others die for me! I have lost too many men, too many friends, too many men I considered my brothers."

Max backed away and said he is sorry for him bringing back sad memories. I said it wasn't his fault; it was mine for not defending them, letting them take the first rounds into them. If only I could go back and fix things.

Max walked over to his dad and crawled up into his arms. Somebody is tired. I thought to myself. Time for me to get some sleep.

"Goodnight everybody."

All: Good night! Love you!

I walked away to a small bush. I took some of the twigs out so it would feel much better to lay on. I crawled on and was fast asleep.

Next morning around seven, I woke up to find a small bug on my nose. It was an ugly looking dragonfly.

"You better get off or so help me by god I'll...." He interrupted.

"No! You listen to me you fat-ass dragon! You better tell me who you are or my brother will skin you!"

I looked at him. In shock, I started cracking up laughing at this little bug.

"Oh no! Someone help me! I am going to be skinned by this dragon flies brother!"

"You are dead you hear me! DEAD!...Hey bro come over here! It's me Sparx and I need you to beat the $417 out of this fat @$$ dragon over here!"

I saw something big shake the bushes on the right side of me. I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be good.

"What the heck! What dragon is picking on you?"

"This guy right here!"

To my surprise it was my brother SPYRO! He was the one the dragonfly was calling over to kick my but.

Spyro walked over and smiled. He was up to something. I could see it in his purple eyes. He soon walked over to me and whispered into my ear.

"Mike, let's pretend to fight each other so Sparx will be shocked to find out you are my real brother. Follow my lead." I smiled.

He slowly backed away from me and looked at Sparx.

"Sparx, watch me kick the crap out of this $417 bag!" he turned back at me and winked. Sparks nodded adding a smile to his yellow face.

"You think you could beat me? You fat purple dragon! I will wipe the ground with you! Your blood will be everywhere!" I laughed.

His eyes rolled back. "So you want to go first or shall I do the honors?"

"You good right ahead." We both smiled then we got into pouncing position and turned to Sparx.

Sparx looked down, knowing this couldn't be good.


"Spyro what is going on? Why are you two not fighting with each other?!"

Spyro let him go and he flew up to eye level.

"Sparx, this is my brother Mike....and Mike this is Sparx, my foster brother."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" "How is he your brother? I have never seen him before."

"That's a very long story." Sparx turned to me with anger.

"I wasn't talking to you! You piece of $417! How dare you trick my brother into thinking you're his brother!" He yelled at me. I growled back showing all of my teeth.

I was ready to tare him into pieces! One move with my claw will kill him instantly. But Spyro moved into my way, so I backed off.

"Sparx, Why don't you relax and turn into your real form." Spyro said. I stood amazed at his words.

"Fine but when I change, make sure he doesn't attack me. I do not like to have a misshape and turn inside-out."

"Ok, he will not attack you, as so long as you make sure not to get him angry anymore."

I kept completely still watching the dragonfly. He flew over to a wide space on the ground. Then he jumped into the air. He was glowing red. A few moments later, a bright light flashed and I opened my eyes to see another dragon. He was smaller than me, and looked skinny.

"So what do you think?"

"A magic dragonfly that can transform into a dragon....... I did not see that coming"

They laughed and we started to walk back to where we last saw the others.

"Hey Nicole! Dave! Were back with an old friend of Spyro's!"

"This is Sparx, he is my foster brother." Spyro said with a smile on his face.

"Hi there, I am Nicole and this is our brother Dave. It is nice to meet you."

He nodded and walked over to Cynder. He gave her a hug and a kiss and then walked over to where the little ones were playing.

Spyro had a grin on his face while he was looking at Cynder.

"What is that look for Spyro?"

"Oh well, I am just thinking back to when Sparx was afraid to even speak your name. And the time you had him in your mouth. It seems he is completely different now. Like he is no longer afraid of you."

"Well it has been at least six years since we mated. So he had some time to change.... If he didn't I would have eaten him a long time ago. But I guess now that has the power to change into a dragon, he is no longer afraid of me eating him." They laughed as Spyro then nuzzled her. She gave him a lick and smiled. They got up and walked away from us. My guess they are going to have some fun.

I only wish that Sara felt the same way, but now I think of it, she has looked at me quite a lot in the past few days. I would be surprised if we even talked about it, let alone talk with each other. It has been a while since I talked to someone other than the kids and Spyro. I guess I should go walk over to her, it's not like she's going to come over to me.

I began to walk over to were Sara and her sister Cynder where talking.

"Mind if I could come in here?" I asked.

"Why of course you could!" Sara said with a silly grin.

"So mike, how are you feeling about being hooked up with someone? Like another dragon perhaps." Cynder asked. Sara and I looked at each other frozen.

"Why, are you suggesting that I date mike?" Cynder nodded.

"Well.... Sure why not. He is cute any way." I went all red in the face. I could not believe she would actually say anything like this. I was lost for words. We both looked back at each other. I did not know if I should kiss her or not. Luckily she answered that for me.

"Come here and give me a kiss cutie!" She pulled me in and I gave her what we both wanted, a kiss.

"You are so beautiful Sara, I want you to know that I would do anything for you."