The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Six

--- my altaria knew fly, so i started to fly to the sinnoh region, when my altaria just fainted out of nowhere! the final boss had started to escape, and didn't want me to chase after him!

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CH 2

I heard arida release an impressed whistle as i saw a group of 5 altaria heading our way charging an hyper beam, "shit!"

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Pleasurable Pokemon Ch. 1 (remake)

She returned her altaria, a huge blue bird with cloud-like wings, in the same manner as her opponent; with a red beam of light from her pokeball and placing it in her pocket.

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Shadows of Kalos: Chp 2

Your boy cousin has an altaria and an audino, and weren't you the same guy who tried to catch a roselia last week and failed?" there was a chorus of "oh!" from the crowd.

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"get that altaria!" she was confused. was training all on her mind?! well, surely after this, they could have a bit of a break. one wild charges and an attempt at payback later. "lets go get another!" pyroar thought this was getting ridiculous.

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Episode 16: Immunity Crisis Pt. 1

#4 of flight of the raptor season 2 the raptor is assigned to escort a rather eccentric v.i.p. back to his homeworld of altaria, however en route they encounter an enormous lieform capable of destroying entire worlds.

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Episode 17: Immunity Crisis Pt. 2

\* \* \* the creature was almost at altaria's atmosphere when, suddenly, it grew extremely bright and exploded. the majority of it burned up in altaria's atmosphere as a shower of bright streaks of light.

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Born Anew

A psychic voice shot out and struck her head like it was being hit by an altaria's wing. 'not so loud. it's like your right next to me.' she shot back just as fierce which made the far off dot sway in it's path for a bit then right itself.

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Diamond Eyes

"m-my big brother's altaria talks to him, you see..." "oh, okay," aurelia said, shrugging it off. she shouldered her bag. "well, you must know the way up. can you show me how to get out of here? i'd like to meet back up with eric, now."

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On the

"i went to littleroot with my big brother, on his altaria...and after i got my pokã©mon i went home for a little while before catching the ship..." she played with one of the belt loops on her jeans. "'re a trainer, right?

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Episode 19: Besieged

"it was, but after the recent refit on altaria everything is working in top form. so, if the hijackers have managed to get the command codes, we will have a fight on our hands." "commander, if i may?" o'mara said, putting her hand up.

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Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

Come with me to altaria. i'd be glad to show you a few tricks. " "you surf?" land said with a mildly shocked expression. "there're a lot of things this old girl could surprise you with," oola chuckled. "i'll...think about it," land said.

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