Journal Update December 2021

Hello all! It's the final month of 2021! This year has been...well, you were there. Things got wild and I have no clue what the next year holds for us. For those who don't know, I finally published my first novel! Where Dragons Rule: Dissent is now...

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Shadows of Kalos: Chp 2

> tainted glory > shadows of kalos > by evan drake ## chapter 2: cursed cassandra cassandra snapped her eyes open. it was still dark.

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Tainted Glory Chapter 15

#15 of tainted glory hello all! sorry for the long wait, this chapter has been long overdue. the reason for the delay has actually been that i want to keep the storyline consistent across all the stories.

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 4)

#4 of tainted glory some high stakes espionage going down here in chapter 4 of tainted glory, as a servine named lin is sent on a mission she's longed for her whole life. her success rests on her stealth and wits to get it done.

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 3)

#3 of tainted glory another chapter of tainted glory i've had completed for a long while. kazuo's daughter kishiko has recently evolved, and loves to fight, but more than normal.

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 6)

#6 of tainted glory finally an update to the story, long overdue i know. kishiko goes to inform her best friend mei-xiu about what happened to her with her father and requests if she can travel with the miens to get away for a while.

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 7)

#11 of tainted glory kishiko and the siblings run into some unexpected guests, and it'll really open everybody's eyes how well the two clans can get together. plus a little extra action again thrown in, and more suspense.

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Tainted Glory (Chapter 8)

#12 of tainted glory oh god did this take way longer than it should've.

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Shadows of Kalos: Prologue

This is the first story in a series known as tainted glory, a pokémon fanfic. some of you may have already been reading it and wondering if the story is dead or not. it's not dead but i've left it hanging longer than intended.

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Tainted Glory Chapter 12: The Price of Fame

#12 of tainted glory heyo! this chapter took a little longer to get together than i expected. things have been a little hectic getting my writing schedule straight. i need to make sure no matter what, this story stays at the top of the list.

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