Pleasurable Pokemon Ch. 1 (remake)

Story by HornyArcticWolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Pleasurable Pokemon

Alright, I've finally done it, everyone. I've finally uploaded P.P. Ch. 1...the remake. I hope everyone finds this as amazing as me and my friends/Beta-Readers found it. Enjoy everyone...and in my opinion, I find this better than all of the previous chapters...combined. But..that's up to you to decide. Be sure to post any comments, questions and/or concerns...and don't forget the criticism.

Special thanks to the one and only Repede...for the ideas he threw my way to help this story get the way it is. I really appreciate his help with this story...and the stress relief he was afterwards. And...for unknowningly being a BetaReader. Thanks to Justmerg for BetaReader and getting me to redo this ACTUALLY HAVE A PLOT. My goodness, last story wasn't going anywhere. Thanks to a new...addition to the BetaReading crew. He doesn't have an account on here but...he goes by Beta (pun not intended). So, thanks to Beta for accepting the duty of BetaReading. And lastly, thanks to the fans for giving me the will to not give up on my story and progress on.

Thanks to all, and enjoy. :3

"Both Lucario and Altaria are unable to battle. There is no victor for this round." The battle referee announced, holding out two flags, one blue and the other red, at his side showing that neither side had the victory for that round.

"You did a good job, Neo. You deserve a good rest." A silver, short haired trainer stood on one side of the battlefield, looking over at his fainted pokemon on the rectangular battlefield.

He pulled out a red and white pokeball and aimed towards his downed pokemon. He couldn't help but have a smile on his face after the hard work his Lucario had put forth, fighting off two bird pokemon in a row. Once Lucario, a black and blue bipedal jackal-like pokemon, returned inside the ball through a red beam of light, the trainer tucked the ball in his shirt pocket.

"Come on back, Altaria" Another trainer called from the other side of the battlefield. This trainer was far more experienced with pokemon than her opponent on the opposite end, being the fact that she was a gym leader. She returned her Altaria, a huge blue bird with cloud-like wings, in the same manner as her opponent; with a red beam of light from her pokeball and placing it in her pocket.

The female gym leader adjusted her custom-made goggle helmet, which was turquoise with purple feathers on the side, and reached in her other pocket, pulling out her last pokeball. She held a thoughtful gaze with it, carefully planning her next move.

"I must say..." the gym leader started, still gazing down at her pokeball. "...I didn't think your Lucario could be so tough, fighting against two of my bird pokemon. Though, I have terrifying news for you. Your Arcanine is exhausted after the fight with my Skarmory. She doesn't have enough fire power to bring down my last pokemon."

"Oh really? Well then, Winona, allow me to prove you wrong!" the silver hair trainer commented, keeping the smirk on his face. Deep down, he knew he had to work a lot harder now since he was down to his last pokemon.

"His Arcanine shouldn't have enough strength left after my Skarmory. I'm positive that I tired it out. Tired or not though, I'm going all out. I'm not running any risk." Winonathought, staring out at the empty battle field. She gripped her pokeball tight and tossed her arm back, only to fling it forward and throw her pokeball out in front of her. "Let's go, Swellow!"

In a flash of a bright white light, a dark blue and white feathered bird with red feather patches on its head appeared, flapping its wing and staring at its master's opponent. It let out a loud screech, hoping to cause somewhat of a disturbance towards the familiar trainer. "SWELLOW!"

"Alright...we faced this circumstance too many times. Let's finally pull a win out of this! Let's go, Ruby!" the trainer called out, tossing a pokeball of his own onto the battlefield.

In a huge flash of white light, a large canine-like pokemon appeared with orange fur and black stripes. It had cream, mane-like fur on its face, legs and tail. The fire dog pokemon stared up at the Swellow, breathing heavily as the aftereffects of its last match against Skarmory. Arcanine stomped her right front paw down, arching her back and let out a loud roar to show that it was ready to battle.

"The final round between Winona and Seth shall now begin!" the battle referee announced, holding both flags in the air for a moment then swinging them down at his side.

"Let's make this quick! Swellow, use Wing Attack!" Winona, the gym leader, yelled out, pointing forward.

"Swellow!" the dark blue bird exclaimed before making a beeline for Arcanine. It had its wings straight out, glowing white with power.

"Ruby, hold your ground, girl." Seth lowly said, watching the falling bird.

Ruby did as she was told. She stood there, staring up at the bird. With each passing second, she was beginning to grow more and more nervous. She was mentally questioning her master's strategy, as he never once told her to stand there as an attack was coming her way. All she could do was trust in his judgment and follow his orders precisely.

Closer and closer, the Swellow came with its wings of power by its side. It gave a small smirk, thinking that this attack was going to be a definite hit being that its opponent wasn't making any gesture to move.

"ExtremeSpeed, now!" Seth called out.

Ruby immediately dashed out the way at blinding speeds, almost invisible. Swellow, seeing that its opponent disappeared, immediately broke its attack and began flapping its wings fiercely, trying to stop itself from crashing to the ground. Swellow amazingly stopped itself but not without a bit of a hard landing, causing a tingly sensation to run through its talons.

The Swellow looked around for a bit, searching out its opponent. Without Ruby being seen, it thought that this would be the perfect time to remove itself from such an easy attack position. It began to flap its wings but was immediately forced to the ground by an unusual weight.

Ruby had pounced the stationary bird pokemon, forcing it on the ground. She placed her paws over its wings, making sure that it couldn't fly away. A small smile spread across her face as she felt that she could do whatever she wanted now, since she had the controlling position. Though, even with her controlling position, her legs were a bit wobbly as the aftereffects of her last match and after using ExtremeSpeed.

"Ruby, Fire Fang!" Seth ordered, wanting to seize the opportunity before the tables could turn.

Ruby opened her mouth wide. Flames kindled amongst her sharp canine teeth, soon, engulfing the whole top row. She wrapped her jaws around the defenseless bird's right wing, biting deep into it, hoping to cause a burn. The Swellow underneath her yelled with a piercing screech, feeling the excruciating pain of jaws and fire being brought upon its wing.

"Swellow!" Winonayelled. She flustered through her mind, trying to find a move that could get her Swellow out of this predicament.

Ruby drove her flame-cloaked teeth deeper into the dark blue bird, receiving yet another ear piercing screech. Ruby tried her best to ignore this but at that high of a pitch and being that close was just unbearable.

"Ruby...back off and use Flamethrower!" the silver hair trainer yelled, holding his hands on his ears and trying to yell over the shriek that the Swellow expelled from its mouth.

The Arcanine jumped off her opponent, taking a short moment to shake its head, hearing the ringing in her ears. She refocused back to the battle and readied a ball of fire in her throat, keeping her eyes pinned on her opponent.

"Swellow, get out of there!" Winonaurgently commanded, fearing that her Swellow would become victim to another attack.

"Swe...llow." The bird pokemon remarked, struggling to rise as several smoldering feathers fell from its now partially blackened right wing. Shortly after being on its feet, Swellow knew the danger it was in and also knew that it had to remove itself from the situation. It mashed down on its beak as it took flight.

Just as it became airborne, the Flamethrower prepped by the Arcanine was fired, just grazing its sharp talons. The Swellow didn't waste time as the attack just brushed under it. It soared high in the sky, making itself a harder target to hit.

"How are you feeling, Swellow?" Winonaquestioned with a worried tone. There wasn't anything she could do if her dark blue bird was injured since all her potions and healing items were used on her previous pokemon.

"Swellow!" the flying pokemon responded.

"Ruby...what about you? Are you feeling okay?" Seth asked. He knew his Arcanine was really tired after pulling off three attacks in a short period of time. He had to seal the match with a victory, and quickly, or he'll be coming back for the fourth time.

"Arc...Arcanine." the fire pokemon replied with a faint smile, showing obvious signs that it was exhausted. Though, no matter how tired she was, Ruby wasn't going to give up on her trainer. She would fight this match, just like the other ones, until she couldn't anymore.

"It's time to end this match, wouldn't you say, Seth?" Winonayelled from across the rectangular battlefield.

"Yeah...I'd think so." Seth answered. "Ruby doesn't have much energy left until she's gassed out. I have only one attack left but i don't know if we're ready to use it just yet. I hope Ruby's got enough strength for it because if not, then we'll be coming back here once again."

"Come on, Swellow! Aerial Ace!" Winonaordered, pointing forward once again.

Swellow soared a bit higher in the air before flipping and diving straight for the Arcanine at an incredible speed. In the midst of its dive, Swellow was cloaked, surrounded by bright, white streaks of light.

"Ruby..." Seth started. "Flame Charge..."

Ruby didn't waste any time looking back at her trainer in worrisome. She knew that they had been practicing that move for the longest of times and they hadn't fully got it down-packed. She pushed aside her uneasiness and howled in the air. She charged at her opponent, determined to end this match with this last attack. She dug deep inside her, pulling every last bit of flame and energy left in her, and leaped in the air. At the instant of the her jump, she became cloaked in fire; her entire body wrapped in a thick blaze of fire which radiated its heat intensely enough to be felt from across the gym.

Closer and closer the pokemon drew near, eyes locked on to one another, both pokemon determined to win the battle for their trainer. A few seconds before impact, both pokemon released a loud battle cry, gaining the feeling that this attack would be one of the most painful in the battle by far.

Ruby's attack hit dead-on as the Swellow's attack did the same, striking heavy and hard. Although Swellow had a bit more energy that the Arcanine, it collected more damage in this battle, causing for it to break its attack and receive more damage from the Flame Charge.

Ruby, the Arcanine, also received damage from Aerial Ace, almost knocking it out of its attacks. Being the fact that the attack hit her in the head, a light-headed feeling rushed over her head for a moment, nearly getting her to lose consciousness.

Both Ruby and Swellow came crashing down to the gym floor, creating small craters around them. Seth and Winona quietly stood on their sides of the battlefield, whispering to themselves for their pokemon to rise.

To their surprise, Ruby was the first to rise but not immediately. She had lots of struggling to do before she could get to her feet. From the looks of it, she had nothing left except the ability to stand. A simple tackle from a Wurmple could most likely bring her down. She tried her best to maintain her balance but even that was proving to be difficult.

The announcer waited a few minutes for the Swellow to move or make any movement that it could go on with the battle. Without any response from the fallen bird, he raised the red flag in this left hand high in the air. "Swellow is unable to battle. The gym leader Winona is out of usable Pokemon to battle. The challengers, Seth and Arcanine are the winners of this match!"

Winonagave herself a small grin as she returned her Swellow back to its ball. She was secretly amazed at the power that last attack had behind it. Even though she battled Seth three times, she hadn't once seen him pull off that move. Deep inside her, she was happy to lose to someone who fought with determination and heart, unlike some of her former opponents who had a nasty craving for power than anything else.

She managed to keep the smile on her face as she walked across the battlefield, meeting her opponent in the middle who was accompanied by the winning pokemon. She stretched out her hand towards Seth, who gladly took the hand and gave a firm handshake with a small embarrassed grin on his face.

"You fought well, Seth. No matter how many times you and your team were struck down, you strived to soar above the challenge until you finally flew above and beyond even myself as the victor today." Winona, the gym leader stated.

"Well, it was nothing really." Seth commented, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess this time, I was more determined than ever. I really wanted to win so...I gave my all."

"And that's what makes you a strong trainer." Winonaglanced over at the referee, giving him a small nod before turning back to Seth. "In recognition of your prowess, I proudly present to you, this FeatherBadge."

The referee joined in on the conversation, holding a small glass case with a pillow inside, holding the gym's signature badge. He opened the case and held it out to Seth, allowing him to take the small gym emblem.

Unlike most trainers who wouldn't hesitate to take the badge and move on, Seth stared down at the badge in disbelief that he actually earned it. Slowly but surely, his hand migrated from his side to the case, taking the wing-like clasp out its case and holding it in his other hand.

"You and your team have earned it." Winonaresponded, shifting her attention to the energy-drained Arcanine and holding her hand out only to receive a small nuzzle from the huge pokemon.

"Th...thank you, Winona!" Seth muttered, holding his arm over his eyes, trying to prevent anyone from seeing him shed tears of joy.

"You did might fine, young man." the referee stepped in, patting Seth on the back a little hard, causing for him to stumble forward a step. "I'd say that was the most intense battle I had seen with all my years being a referee. Congrats, son. I'm proud to call you a trainer."

Seth didn't say a word; instead, he silently took out his badge case and placed the new gym emblem inside next to his other five shiny badges. His expression quickly grew into that of a gleeful smile as he saw the six badges sitting in the case, with only two empty spots left. His hands trembled slightly at just how excited he was, only two more battles, two more battles to win until he achieved that long held goal of his since he became a trainer.

" should be on your way, young man. It's getting pretty late and I'm sure your Arcanine would like to rest after fighting as hard as she did." The referee spoke up, peering down at his watch, seeing that it was nearly 9 o' clock at night.

"He's right, Ruby..." Seth stated, looking over at his fire dog who had no problem looking in his eyes being that she was his height just standing on all fours. "...which means no staying up for you, missy."

"Arc..." the orange pokemon replied, playfully pushing her trainer with her soft, furry head.

"Well, it was a pleasure battling with you, Winona...again." Seth groaned voicing on the word 'again'. "Hopefully we can battle again some other time."

"Hopefully..." Winonalowly responded, slightly tilting her head.

Both the gym leader and the battle referee waved goodbye as Seth and Arcanine strolled over to the sliding glass gym door, exiting the gym and continuing on. After Seth had disappeared from the gym, the referee took a few steps towards the other side of the gym where there was a hallway on the other side of the thick wooden door, which led to many other rooms in the building. He stopped shortly after and noticed that Winonahadn't moved from her spot.

"Something troubling you, Winona?" He asked over his shoulder.

"That trainer..." Winonaanswered in a barely audible tone. "...he...he has such a big heart for his pokemon. I could tell when I touched his Arcanine. I'm no expert on grooming fur but just from feeling her's, I can tell he takes special care of his pokemon."

"What are you trying to say?" the man tossed out another question. He couldn't wrap his mind around what Winonawas talking about. He had never heard her say anything about a trainer, at least, nothing like this.

"Just that there are fewer and fewer good trainers out there. Now 'n days, trainers are more concerned about power and becoming champion. He...he didn't seem like one of those trainers...actually, I know he isn't." Winonalowly replied, now, she was sort of speaking to herself.

"Oh no...developing a crush?" the man teased, a small smirk spreading across his face.

Winonawhipped her body around, giving the man a surprised stare. Little did she know, her face was flushed with an obvious red hue; impossible to say that it was from the Flame Charge being that the referee was closer than her and his face wasn't even a tint of red.

"Now what would make you think that?!" she responded with the word shock still written on her face.

The man could only laugh at his leader's expression, unable to form words through his hearty laughter. He walked off to the wooden doors with his leader chasing him, trying to pry an answer out of him.

Meanwhile, outside of the gym, Seth was walking back to the PokemonCenterwith his badge case still in hand, staring at his new addition. Ruby, the Arcanine who had finally mustered up the strength to cease her slight limping, occasionally glanced at her trainer then at the badge case, smiling to herself seeing that she had finally won that badge for her trainer. She was overall proud of herself, pulling off a move that she and Seth had been working on for months now with slow progression.

"You know, girl, I'm really proud of you for beating that Swellow even though you were tired. Actually, I'm proud of you and Neo. You both worked harder than ever to pull off a win. So...what do you say I treat you two tonight?" Seth spoke up, reaching over and scratching under his orange pokemon's chin.

This offer that Seth brought up sparked Ruby's attention. Her eyes shot straight up and her eyes grew wider than normal along with her tail wagging ferociously. She yipped in excitement with tsunamis of ideas crashing in her mind and a lone surfer trying to pick which one would be best for the night. Offers like these don't come so often with Seth. You'd have to do some pretty amazing stuff to get this deal, like, pulling off the almost impossible or doing really well with something.

"Alright, girl, alright. So what would you like?" Seth stupidly asked, knowing he couldn't understand his Arcanine. He waited a few minutes in silence, only receiving a small bark from the orange pokemon next to him. "That's a nice idea...but how's about I give you a nice, relaxing massage?"

Ruby tilted her head in confusion. She never heard of a 'massage' before, not having the faintest clue of what it was, could be or would feel like. Though, she knew her trainer wouldn't do anything harmful to her, so this 'massage' could be worth trying. She gave him an approving lick on the cheek with her massive tongue.

"Alright then, a massage it is." Seth laughed, wiping off the slimy mark left by his Arcanine. "Too bad, Neo. You'll have to get your treat tomorrow since you're out cold for the night."

Moments later, Seth entered through the automatic sliding doors of the PokemonCenter, having all types of eyes look up at him for a short second. He proceed to the front desk where a woman with red hair and a nurse's outfit was typing frantically, eyes buried deep into the computer until Seth's shadow interrupted the light around her.

She stood to her feet with a soft pleasant smile on her face. "Welcome back, Seth. How did your battle with Winonago?"

"It went really well. I finally got my sixth badge thanks to this girl right here..." Seth answered, scratching under Ruby's chin again. "...pulling a move we worked on for months for the first time in a battle."

"Congratulations Seth, I'm glad all the hard work you put into it payed off. Do you need to heal your Pokemon? Your Arcanine looks quite exhausted." Nurse Joy asked, looking over at his Arcanine.

"Um...yes actually. My Lucario worked his butt off but couldn't go another round with Winona. As for my Arcanine, I'll take care of her tonight. She doesn't really need much work but moreso rest." the silver hair trainer replied, reaching in his pocket and pulling out his Lucario's pokeball, handing it to Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy grabbed the ball and gave it to a nearby Chansey to take to the healing section of the PokemonCenter. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Seth?"

"Just something that jingles when I shake them and can open the door to a nice comfy bed." the trainer answered, throwing an easy riddle out.

Nurse Joy could only smile and giggle to herself as she easily solved the riddle, reaching in a drawer and pulling out a key among several different kinds. She dropped them into the awaiting hand of Seth. "Be sure to return them. Have a goodnight's rest."

"Will do, Nurse Joy, thanks." Seth waved, leaving the presence of the nurse.

Before walking upstairs where the rooms for tired trainers were located, Seth stopped by a computer, knowing his most important before heading to bed. He typed in a name in the appropriate bars on the screen then a series of numbers, most likely a phone number. The screen changed from a blue screen with bars for name and number to a blue screen with a small phone ringing on it. After a few rings, the screen clicked and showed a woman who looked in her late 30's.

"Hey mom!" the silver hair trainer addressed.

Every night before he would go to bed, if he was in a town, he would have to phone his home, letting his caretakers know that he was still alive, safe and sound. This was his promise that he made so his mother, of all people, could stop questioning his existence and cease her worrying about him on a daily basis.

"Hey, Seth, honeybun!" his mother cooed, glad he was able to call her. "Are you heading off to bed?"

Seth let out a low groan, hearing the nickname that he despised of all things. He placed his hand over his face in embarrassment, hiding the light redness on his face. "Mom...please. Don't call me that, at least not here."

"'re 16 now. That name shouldn't still be affecting you after all these years." His mother said with a gentle smile upon her face.

"Anyways..." Seth spoke up, changing the subject. "...did you happen to complete my order that I requested?"

Seth's mom was an employee at the Veilstone City Department Store, working the pharmacy department. Every now and then, she would get an order from Seth requesting various necessities but in this case, a few Hyper Potions for his two-man squad. She would oblige and get him the items needed, sending them through a teleporter which was located next to the computer; Seth sending her the money of course.

"Yes. I have everything with me if you want me to send it now." his mother offered.

"That would be great. Money is already set aside in the account." Seth confirmed, clearly remembering to set money aside for orders in his trainer's account.

For a moment, the woman left the screen, only to appear a few minutes later with a brown bag stuffed with various items. Offscreen, she adjusted the bag on a teleporter, a device that allows people to send items near instantly to the designated caller on their computer, pushing a few buttons then returning her attention back to the screen.

"It should arrive shortly. I threw in a few extra things like shampoo and conditioner for Ruby and Neo. I hope they like it." she said before covering her mouth to let out a small yawn.

"Oh, I'm sure Ruby will being that she loves her fur to stand out. Neo, I'm not completely sure about since he hates baths but anyways, thanks mom." Seth suggested, producing a yawn of his own with a stretch following. "Well, you should get in bed. You look tired."

"You're the one to talk. Well, have a goodnight, honeybun. Don't forget to shower and brush your teeth before you go to bed." His mom reminded, giving the normal motherly run-down.

", I know. Goodnight." Seth interrupted, smiling softly at his mother.

"Alright, night." the woman said before the screen went black, ending the call between mother and son.

"Alright, girl, ready for that massage?" Seth asked, turning to the orange pokemon next to him.

Ruby gave a bit of a whine after her high-pitched bark, wagging her tail back and forth. She had no idea what she was excited about being that she still didn't know what a massage was but she guessed it was just the thought of something new with her trainer.

The teleporter next to the computer gave off a series of pings and beeps, signalling that something was coming through. There was a sudden ray of light emitting from it, illuminating the area around it. Following the ray of light was a gust of wind exhausting from the vents on the side of the teleporter. It only took a few seconds before the wind stopped and the light died down, showing a small brown bag, plump with whatever was in it.

Seth reached over, scooping up his bag and walking upstairs to the trainer's lodging area, with his Arcanine following close behind eager to get on with this 'massage'. There was a small tag number on the key which went with the same suit of numbers on the wooden doors but in sequential order. Eventually, he stopped at the right door, unlocking it it with the key and entering inside to his room.

Inside, there was a mini hallway which lead to a room with a bed to the right, a TV in the upper corner on the opposite side of the room, and a small black table accompanied by a matching chair. Facing the bed, was a door on the left, leading to the bathroom, and a closet to the right, supplied with towels and washcloths.

Ruby nearly knocked over Seth, charging into the room. She yipped excitedly, jumping from one spot to another, inhaling the familiar items' scent and all the glory that they held. Once she reached the bed, she hopped up and laid down on it, belly facing the ceiling. She began wiggling her body from side to side as if the bed was its back-scratcher; clearly messing up the sheets that the maids worked hard straightening and cleaning.

"Oh, I see now..." Seth responded, shaking his head back and forth while putting his trainer's workout bag and backpack beside the bed. " weren't tired after all. You were just putting on a little show for Winona, you naughty little thing?"

Ruby barked at Seth then went limp on the bed, showing that she was still tired. She couldn't help but smile at her little act that she was performing.

"Oh, well since you're so tired, then it looks like you won't be getting your massage tonight." Seth said, smirking as he sat on the little bit of space left on the bed, removing his shoes.

Ruby raised her head and pushed against Seth's arm, releasing a small whine from her muzzle. She waited for what seemed like forever for this 'massage' thing her trainer spoke of.

"What? You can't possibly want a massage being that you're just so tired. I mean, look at you; you can barely keep your eyes open." the trainer joked.

Ruby began to pout, hoping that she would get her trainer to still do what he said he would do. Seth, seeing this all-to-familiar face, couldn't help but laugh at his Arcanine's desperate attempt to get this massage. When it came to Ruby getting something from someone after doing a good job, she wouldn't stop until she got her end of the bargain.

"Fine....fine." He responded, reaching over and hugging his Arcanine around the neck and giving a pat on the head. "You know I spoil you, right?"

Ruby confirmed with a lick on his cheek, knowing that she is often spoiled by her trainer whether she does something amazing or not. Though, she couldn't complain because she was the one getting the treatment; plus, who doesn't like getting spoiled ever so often? At least, when Seth spoils her, he tries to switch up on things so it won't get old and he could see what Arcanine his liked and didn't liked.

"You know there's a rule on 350 pound dogs being on the bed after a certain time, right?" Seth brought up, pushing himself from Arcanine and peering at her confused face. "Yeah...they just passed it not too long ago. Five minutes ago actually. Yeah, the league says that it's illegal for a 350 pound dog to be on the bed past ten."

Seth peered at the clock on the wall above the window, by the table-chair set. The time read 9:42, eighteen minutes before what he claimed.

"Darn, you lucked out this time, missy." Seth said, his whole fake plan shot down. He raised his hand to Ruby's cream colored mane, ruffling it up a bit before proceed back to his primary objective of getting into comfortable sleepwear.

Seth took off his shirt, folding it into a small rectangle before placing it in his workout bag, filled with his personal items. He stretched a bit before digging out a pair of black sleep pants, which were tossed on the edge of the bed. Seth stood up to remove his pants to swap with ones dangling on the edge of the bed. He happened to turn his head and caught Ruby staring intently at him getting undress, almost looking anxious to see what the trainer stored underneath the dark jeans.

Ruby saw her trainer get undress several times but never to the point of him removing his pants; it was always him removing his shirt after a workout or something of the sort. She always wanted to see what was beneath the pants. She would constantly ask herself if it was another pair of pants under his pants or if it was like his upper body, his flesh and bones exposed.

"Hey...mind if i get undress without you staring?" Seth asked.

Ruby didn't respond. Instead, she made herself more comfortable on the bed, preparing herself for the show. She glued her eyes, if they weren't already, onto her trainer in anticipation of the moment that he removes his pants in front of her.

"Divert thine eyes from thy sexy trainer's body." Seth joked, chuckling a bit himself. Although, his attempt failed, still having the curious orange pokemon staring at him. "My goodness, you are one horny dog, aren't you"

Ruby tilted her head a bit to the side and let out a simply bark, one with no emotion behind it, giving Seth a harder time to tell if she was confirming or denying his comment. Seth returned the stare to his fire pokemon, trying to decipher the bark. Soon, he shook his head, knowing he couldn't do anything about it if she was.

"You know what...the pants shall stay on for tonight. Don't want to get fur on my sleep pants." Seth said, peering over at Ruby with a teasing smile. "So, let's do this massage, young lady. Hop off the bed and lay on the floor."

Ruby's face lit up with excitement, finally able to get what she had waited on since the beginning of time. She jumped off the bed with a small thud on her landing. She faced at her trainer with a big smile and laid on the floor, wagging her tail furiously.

"I thought that'd get you off my bed." Seth smiled, walking to the side of the huge pokemon. He crouched down to her and glided one through her mane and stopping at her bushy tail. "Alright, let's get started."

Seth placed both hands on her back, near her shoulderblades, and pressed with his index and middle fingers on the soft spot in between. Then, he guided his thumbs to take place of the four fingers which moved to the side as support fingers. He slid his thumbs up and down, rubbing rather hard since the Arcanine species were known for their physique and muscle build.

Ruby lowered her head to the ground and exhaled, letting every muscle relax with ease and allowing her trainer to work on her. Though he just started, she felt a bit relieved since this new experience was already starting off decent. She could only ask herself if he was going to do this with her whole body.

Not long after that moment, Seth started on the lower back, just a bit above the base of her tail, and pressed a little harder, feeling more muscles as he went down. This, surprisingly, was Seth's first massage on anyone and he clearly had no clue in what to do. All his so-called experience came from videos and movies he saw on TV, but even then, he had no knowledge. At the moment, he was just mentally humming a smooth song as he stroked his pressed fingers back and forth, trying to keep up with the slow melody. Every muscle he went over just had to be rubbed, he thought.

"Everything okay, Ruby? I'm not hurting you, am I?" Seth asked, stopping for a small moment, more concerned if his inexperience was harming his orange pokemon.

The Arcanine simply looked back at him and placed her head back on the floor. With her size and strength, she couldn't see how her small trainer could harm her.

"Well, let me know if I'm hurting you, okay?" Seth spoke before returning to his rub-down.

Minutes passed and Seth finally finished massaging the orange and black pokemon's back. He went back over her fur and brushed it down with his hand since his type of massage had her fur all over the place. Afterwards, Seth sat back, resting his sore fingers for a moment before moving on to his next destination on Ruby's body.

Immediately, Ruby raised her head, trying to figure out why her massage had stopped. The massage wasn't the best in the world but she certainly was relaxed throughout. She tilted her head at Seth, non-verbally asking about the sudden stop in her treatment.

"What? Give me some time. I have to rest my fingers you know. It's not easy massaging muscles on a pokemon with a stature like yours." Seth commented, resting his head against the base of the bed.

Ruby frowned in disappointment. She didn't want to wait on him; she wanted to get that special relaxed feeling now. She nearly drifted off to sleep last time while he was working on the left side of her lower back and she wanted to experience it again but this time, actually falling asleep. She huffed and placed her head back on the floor, trying to wait patiently.

After a long day of training and a gym battle, Seth was tired himself and leaning against this bed wasn't doing him any good. Each passing minute, his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, almost to the point were they would close and take him off to dreamland for a short while before he jerked himself awake.

"Alright...let's hurry up, I'm getting really tired." Seth announced. "Roll onto your back."

Ruby obliged and turned over onto her back, exposing her black furry underside. Seth assumed his position next to Ruby, placing his hands on her wide chest. Through the fur, he could feel the soothing heartbeat coming from inside, beating at a rather relaxing and paced beat.

"Actually, there's nothing really to massage here..." He stated before a yawn escaped his mouth. "So, I'm off to bed. Night."

Ruby jumped up with a quickness and pinned her trainer down. As far as she knew, this little treat wasn't over. She wasn't just going to have her back massaged and then go to bed. She wanted more than that but what else could her silver hair trainer do for her?

"Ruby...I'm exhausted. I gave you a massage; what more do you want from me?" Seth complained, barely struggling to free himself from underneath the fire pokemon.

The fire pokemon gave a small smirk, having a rather interesting idea enter her head. She lowered her face, aligning it with Seth's, and began to nuzzle him. Seth, on the receiving end of this, easily grew curious of what his pokemon was doing or planning to do. Best thing to do was to follow along with this until he found something he didn't like.

He decided to make this short moment a little enjoyable as he reached up scratched the side of her face, running his fingers through her mane. Ruby quickly removed her head and replaced it with her chest, hoping her trainer would catch on with what she was trying to get him to do. Seth continued on, gliding his hand, which was now joined by the other hand, along her dark underside.

The Arcanine slowly began walking forward, causing Seth's hands to go further down her dark fur. 'Just a bit further...' she thought, leading him to her desired spot.

Seth skipped ahead, having an idea of his own of where Ruby wanted his hands to be. He jumped past the middle of her black furry bottom and restarted at her stomach, scratching in a circular manner. The silver hair trainer noticed that his fire pokemon's stomach was hotter than when he normally gives her a belly rub. He thought nothing of it at the moment, thinking that his Arcanine was just doing it for her own reason.

Now that his senses were more awake, he smelled a faint spicy-like scent coming from somewhere nearby. It seemed to bother his nose the more Ruby led him to her stomach. This didn't pop up until Ruby was hovering over him, so what was the deal? He stopped his scratching and flopped his arms out on the carpeted floor.

" can I go to bed, girly?" Seth asked, sleep catching up mighty fast to him.

Ruby quickly returned to her position above Seth, staring into his grey eyes. There was no way she was going to let him go to bed so easily. She was still a bit bothered that he didn't massage her underside, so what she planned would satisfy her for the night. She gave a evil smile to the human below her as she lowered the bottom half of her body to Seth's pants, namely his groin.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Seth nervously asked, looking up at his fire pokemon.

Ruby slid her body forward, grinding a bit to give her trainer a clue. Once she saw the priceless shocked expression on his face, she smiled and slowly thrusted forward, this time getting a short sensation to rush through her body. Underneath, Seth struggled his hardest to get free but due to the weight on his arms and lower area, it was impossible to break free from Ruby but he continued trying anyways.

"R-Ruby...o-off girl! G-G-Get o-off me!" Seth tried to speak, stuttering because of his in-between moaning. His body was slowly enjoying this new feeling, while Seth's mind was trying to reject it.

Ruby didn't move from her position on top of Seth; instead, she began to grind harder and a bit faster. Along with the boosted movements, Ruby's body temperature started to increase slowly, mainly around her nether region. Bits of heated breaths escaped her maw as the pleasure increased with each passing moment.

"Ruby...c-come on girl! Please, get o--!" The silver haired trainer was cut off with yet another pleasurable grind from his fire type.

He noticed the temperature difference in Ruby's nether region and struggled that much harder to get free, which didn't help him at all but it did for Ruby since the added movement was as close as she could get to voluntary movement.

It was only a few minutes and Ruby's region was rather drenched, pouring some of its wet juices on the rough jeans of her trainer. More heated breaths escaped her as she looked down at her trainer, seeing him rather tensed up and head thrown back, breathing quite rapidly. From what she could gather, he was enjoying this even though he was telling her to stop. In reality, Seth was tensing up due to the new feeling running through his body, something he never felt before. His head was thrown back because of the pleasure also but his breaths quicken because he was trying hard to breath in as much cool air as possible since the temperature on his Arcanine was rising fast.

"R-Ruby!" Seth raised his voice with a bit of urgency.

Ruby picked up speed, grinding much faster against the dark leg clothing. She began to pant a bit heavily as she began to emit moans from her muzzle, which were just slightly high-pitched howls. More and more, Ruby could feel herself getting closer to her climatic finish.

"Ruby! Get off, right now!" Seth yelled in a strong tone, almost scary in a way.

Ruby jolted back to reality, suddenly leaving her pleasurable land and ceased her grinding. She looked down at her trainer, wondering what could possible be wrong with him that he had to yell at her. She obeyed his early command, raising herself from him and sat down in front of him with her ears sharply pointed back in fear.

Seth slowly rose to his feet, holding his crotch as if pain was inflicted on it. Once he was fully on his feet, he gave his Arcanine a heavy angered glare. He couldn't believe it took her four commands and a raised voice in order for her to listen to him. Ruby, on the other hand, crouched down a bit, submitting to her angered trainer.

"When I say 'get off' the first time, you do it! It shouldn't take four tries before you listen!" Seth yelled. He removed his hand from the middle of his pants, seeing a black streak along the dark blue jeans zipper area. "Great! Do you see what you did? You burned my pants!"

Ruby couldn't help but flinch under the voice of her trainer. At that moment, she was fearing the worst could come from her trainer like striking her. She lowered herself towards the ground even further, trying her best to show as much submission as possible.

Even though he was boiling a bit with anger, he couldn't stay mad at Ruby for long. She was caught up in a blissful moment and lost track of her surroundings. She had only been with Seth for close to a year, still learning the boundaries between pokemon and pokemon trainers.

The silver hair trainer let out a sigh, disliking the thought of his pokemon becoming scared of him. He walked over to his orange pokemon and crouched down beside her, petting her creamy-colored mane. Fearing he was going to hit her, Ruby flinched under his touch, expecting a smack of some sort.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you but you nearly burned a hole in my pants. And what's under that a delicate piece of flesh that I'll need later in life. Just know, though, that I'm not saying what you did was a bad thing. I'm just not ready or prepared for something like that yet." Seth reassured, trying to get his pokemon to lose her fear.

Ruby looked up at her trainer, peering into his grey eyes. Just the look on his face after the words he said gave her the ability to relax, extinguishing the fear of him causing harm to her. 'It's okay, okay?' she heard him ask. She gave a half-smile and licked his cheek with the tip of her tongue.

"Glad you agree." Seth started with a smile. "Now, let's get some sleep. We had a long day today and we'll never know what tomorrow will bring."

Ruby barked in agreement, turning her half-smile into full grin. Now that her body wasn't in motion, she was rather tired after such a long day of training and battling Winonafor the third time. She watched as her trainer flicked the light switch on the wall before heading to the bed she messed up earlier.

"Bath, tomorrow morning missy!" a voice responded before the room went dead silent.

Ruby laid her head down on the carpeted floor, closing her eyes. She remembered that she didn't get to finish pleasing herself and that horny feeling was slowly awakening again. It wouldn't go away until she got the proper finish that it deserved. Able to fight through it, Ruby drifted off to sleep, avoiding pleasure land and visiting the dream world.