A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 3)
"Hey ladies!" Malcolm yelled, waving at the pokemon. Chelsa quickly ran up to both trainers, smiling brightly as she greeted them both back. Cole looked around the Ampharos and noticed that they picked their spot for the night and the fact that...
A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 2)
Lavana suddenly raised her head up, catching a familiar scent drifting in the air, knowing it as her trainers scent, the small Quilava spotting him just stepping over the edge of the hill leading up to where they were. "Quil!" The Quilava cheerfully...
A Pokemon's Reward Ch. 1 (Part 1)
Greetings Everyone, friends and whatnot! Alright...how do i start this off again? Been a while. Anyways, this is a story that a friend, Repede, and myself have been writing. This is the reason why Pleasurable Pokemon hasn't been written, for those who...
Pleasurable Pokemon Ch. 1 (remake)
Alright, I've finally done it, everyone. I've finally uploaded P.P. Ch. 1...the remake. I hope everyone finds this as amazing as me and my friends/Beta-Readers found it. Enjoy everyone...and in my opinion, I find this better than all of the previous...