the beggining
Just shipping in from the states with my new fresh troops I knew I would have to teach them everything I know. I heard stories of men fresh out of training who could not shoot worth crap because they kept aiming high or above the head. That is not...
the birth of a angel."prolougue
The night was silent in the sahara. Only a few sounds of the animals that lurked in the cover of darkness could be heard. But during the cover of darkness a new commotion was brewing. A pack of african wild dogs nestled comfortably within their...
The Infinite Sorrow CH.1
Alice awoke To the sound of talking. She looked outside. Theiw were dark clouds all aroung. a spearow flew across the sky and landed on a tree.Todays the day and its gonna original. she walked outside and saw Shadow watching Anthony outside...
tragedys beggining
I felt the sharp pain in my abdomen as I fell down to the ground. This feeling was unlike any other, however I broke up with plenty of boyfriends I think he may have been the one for me. I just sat there thinking what I could have possibly done. I sat...
The Furry Parable Ch.4 (ending 1)
But, i guess this was all planned out from the beggining.... all of danny's actions had one singular consequence that even i couldn't predict.
By The Campfire
We all, straight from the beggining, when there were still fourty of us, swore we'd fight to the end." fight to the end we would have. the end of the entire town as we knew it.
Of wings and scale chapter 1
My teeth turned to razors and my tongue split, i grew taller and taller to about 9 feet with the beggining of a tail forming at the base of my spine and slowly snaking its way out and with a flash of colour the lumps that had extended from my back
The Three Cubs - Part II
He was now petting his paw, just like he had done in the beggining.
Of Magic and Fur (Part 1)
Of magic and fur by pizzaplatinum ### means that the point of view is changing chapter 1: the beggining "ugh. where am i?" i ask to noone in particular.
Over in that Meadow ( chapter 1, New Friends and Lion Eyes)
We should probley start from the beggining of this tale before anything else, sorry about that! a wiger walks through the dark, eerie forest alone. alone. that was all she could be, alone. the wiger held her bow tightley in her large paw.
Should vampires be so...?
Mabye i should just tell you from the begginning, back when i was a freshman in high school, and i met leo, the most conceded, vain, egotistical vampire i have met yet.
The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 4
I am one of those souls, but for you to get such an important and powerful demon seed you must be a descendant of royal blood" shadow: "whoa hold on.......i'm so confused right now can you start at the beggining?"