Of wings and scale chapter 1

Story by greavous on SoFurry

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Of wings and scale

Chapter 1: Day by day

By Greavous

"Ouch" i said as i turned the corner and got a branch in the face. I always forget its there even though i walk home this way every weekday. I continued walking down the dirt track towards my usual hide away, once i passed the trees and sank into the foliage of trees and bushes i routinely placed down my bag and removed my jacket then my shirt and my shoes and socks. Finally i removed my amulet it was a strange material that i didnt know and come to think of it no one has ever found out, but from one awkward situation i had it placed onto a titanium chain so it couldnt fall or be ripped off.

As i removed it small lumps started to form on my back and my toes started to grow outwards aswell as my fingers. My jaw and nose started to morph outwards into a muzzle and the lumps started to extent from my back. My toes began to point and my foot arch grew longer, my skin slowly turning a blood red with my fingers growing sharper. My teeth turned to razors and my tongue split, i grew taller and taller to about 9 feet with the beggining of a tail forming at the base of my spine and slowly snaking its way out and with a flash of colour the lumps that had extended from my back sprung down like a fan into large red wings. My musles toned out into perfect proportion looking as if i spend hours in the gym, as my eyes turned to slits it was done. There i stood in full form a 9 foot red anthro dragon, i gathered my clothes placed them into my bag and slung it over my shoulder. With sheer grace i raised my wings and leaped into the sky soaring up and up so that people could not see me. As i glided through the clouds i had a feeling of serenity, away from the troubles of daily life uo here it was calm and contempt no noise bar the ocational car horn or factory heard from below. Gazing down i took in the countryside large green fields filled with sheep and cows, cars on the roads franticly battling to get home in record time.

Seeing my home i slowly decended from the sky into a small clearing of trees. Landing i replaced my amulet and sighed as my featured returned to a human form, i redressed my self and with a lack of grace fell flat faced out of the bushes.

"I always meet you here, why the hell are you always in that bush" i recognised the voice it was my freind darren. He was ur average fellow had a normal job in a factory driving a forklift, he had a clean shaven head and a cheesy smile. I looked up at him to see the same smile as he sat there on his bike staring at me.

"Ye i just like the trees and stuff" i replied getting up off the floor.

"I know your weird but still even for you" he laughed taking a sip from his water bottle.

"Whatever come on lets go" we began to walk or me walk and him ride slowly as it were. Down the dirt track towards the road, i opened the gate at the bottom of the track and stepped out onto the pavement.

"you out tonight lad?"

"Anything going on tonight up town" i asked walking backwards towards my house.

"Ye karaoke at the grapes bar" he replied doing the hand motion of holding a mic.

"Ah ok ill message you when im out"

"Alright cya later" he shouted biking off around the corner to his house. I walked along the road waving to my neighbours as i passed, aproaching my house i open the door and slung my bag onto the sofa. I went up the stairs and turned the shower on, i disrobed everything but the amulet and stepped into the shower. Leaning my head against the shower wall i pondered what tonight could bring i couldnt imagine what was really going to happen.

The new hive

**The new hive** **Chapter 1** By Greavous AUDIO LOG 12665.34.7 Location: Zendikar IV Orbit: 243rdday Local time: 14:23 hours My names christen I'm 19, I live here with my 5 friends in the forest in our cabin. But there...

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