Should vampires be so...?

Story by Chance Prowlers on SoFurry

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#1 of Vamps are stupid.

WARNING! Yiffstar is eighteen plus, so if you are younger than the legal age for you to be here from whatever land you come from, then dun come here....

Then again... this story doesn't have any yiff... so... uhm...

So I have been tossing two story ideas, one is the pimpin diaries and this one, and I decided to just try one out. My grammer sucks, but since this is just a idea, and not a full story or concept yet, dun get mad.


Okay, I know what you are thinking from all the movies, tv shows, books, merchandise, parties... Vampires are supposed to be smart, strong, fast, cunning, and supposedley sparkle. I dunno', never got into that book.

It is a lie!

Vampires are JUST like they are when they transformed, well, I think so, I ain't that far into this whole adventure yet.

This is the part where I say "How do I know? Because I am one!" But no, thats not true. I am happiley living at this point in time.

Mabye I should just tell you from the begginning, back when I was a freshman in High school, and I met Leo, the most conceded, vain, egotistical vampire I have met yet.

Walking home from school is such a drag, its either HOT or COLD, and right now it was HOT!

Everyday I had to walk past this old gun shop and a liquor store (Right beside eachother, witch I think is a BAD idea) and there has always been these large boxes between them. I don't know why they are there, mabye the guns or alcohol come in them, but they are stacked so that you cannot get inbetween the stores.

No, you are probably wondering why I am mentioning that, but see, this is where I met Leo.

As I was walking past, several of the boxes flew forwards, torwards me. Now here is the thing, I can watch horror movies for eight hours straight, and not get scared, but I will jump out of my skin when the toaster does that little bing thing and the toast pops out.

So, I just took a step back and looked at whoever it was, and it was some Lion. He was buff, and his mane was dirty blond while the rest of his fur was a honey gold, and his eyes were a very light, I almost thought he was blind.

I guess this should have been my first sign he was stupid, because, well, try making a large card pyramid, and then take a few off the bottom.

The same thing happenned here. The boxes fell on him, and as he swore and tried to move them away, more kept falling.

"Gah! Who the fuck stacks boxes like this!?"

"I don't know," I said shrugging "I think they do it so homeless people don't try and sleep in between the stores."

Finally he stood up and grinned at me. "I am Leo, the hansomest Vampire Lion in this... hey... your fat!" Leo stood back and stared at me like I was a alien, or something like that, not so good with analogies.

Allright, I am a bear, a straight furred bear, all brown fur, no head fur, and I had some wheight. I wasn't Jabba the hut fat, I weighed about three and fifty, wich is chunkey four a fourteen year old bear.

"So what! Youre the one who had to wrestle with paper for three minutes to stand up." I blushed and shook my head, who was this idiot?

"Ah, uhm, yes... well... SHA- SHA!" He reached into his pocket and threw something on the ground, something that let out a very bright light, so bright, all I saw was pure white.

"AH! Damnit My eyes!" I rubbed at them for a moment before something pushed me, as I fell over, I could have sworn that something caught my fall, wich I guess something did, because then next thing I heard was "Damn he is fat! Hurry, get him in the car!"

"God damn you ass holes I am not fat," I yelld loudley, trying to kick and punch something. Finally I could hear a car door opening, leather on my back, and then the door slamming.

I don't know why, but I closed my eyes. I couldnt see, and it was seven in the morning. And don't we all just want to go back to sleep at seven in the morning? I slept.


When I finally woke up, I was in a large room. You probably think I would wake up in a coffin, graveyard, mabye a old asylium, but nope! I was in my house, my kitchen to be exact. My Dad had left when I was young, and my mom helped out at a local church (HA HA!) so she had to be their early to feed the homeless.

I rubbed my eyes, glad I could see once again, but what I saw freaked me out.

Leo was playing MY DS, and from the sound of it, getting me killed.

Some Raccoon was on my computer, looking up lol cats.

And my father, who didnt look a day older then twenty, was sitting opposite of me on my mothers rocking chair.

I used to own a picture of my dad, before I threw it out to make room for the signed picture of Utada (Who I love more than my father BTW) But in it it was my mom and my dad. My dad looked twenty, then and now. He was rubbing my mothers big belly...

It looked so loving... That what I imagined first...

Then I remembered all the times that my mother sat in the kitchen, crying into a dish rag when she thought I was asleep...

Or when she would rock me back and forth, holding me and saying his name...

Or when she would smile and say "I wish your father was here to see this...."

I am slow, mentally and phisically. The thing about this is, I do things without thinking.

Well, I roared and jumped out of my chair, charging at my father with all the momentum I could get.

My dad looked like he weighed about six hundred pounds, all muscle, and could bench press about ten of me. His large paw just reached out and grabbed me around the face, throwing me over his shoulder like anyone else would a piece of paper, and sat went over to Leo without looking back.

I, for once in my life, was smart enough to just lie there and think.

"He is supposed to be stong, smart, fast... and we have a obese bear who cant even get up from a little tussle," The raccoon set a piece of paper and tried to print, joke was on him, because that printer hadn't seen any ink since I downloaded so much porn that I used it all up in one day.

"Well, mabye he just needs some training... I sense the golden blood in him." Said Leo, turning my game off and tossing it on the floor.

"Gold... blood?" I was groggy, and alittle confused.

"Blood of the person who can decide wether or not vampires are set back in the time of Stoker and feared, killed withought mercy, or setting us into a new found age of love and reverment."

I stood up and looked over to my father, who flexed and gave a soft smile. I wanted to cry in his arms and ask him so many questions, but I know that if I even tried, he might smash my nose in. "Okay... so I guess I am the only person who thinks this crazy?"

"It's true," My dad said gruffley. "Then there is the one with the darkened blood. It will be someone you know, and they will try to kill you. They have vampires on there side, that want to be feared, so that they may rule like the wicked elders."

Sad... first thing my dad said to me... not "I love you," or "I have missed you so much," Or even "I got lost going to get more beef jerky," Or just soemthing then "Hey guess what, someone wants to kill you"!


I am fourteen, And Not only do I just NOW meet my father, but he tells me I might die.

Yeah, its official, vamps suck.