Fragmenting Courage (Otherwise Untitled)
~ In a moment of glittering courage, the lynx managed to catch up with the fleet in her light strike fighter, now that it was slowed by battle. The stars were a linear sprawl of rainbow for the moment of coming out of FTL, before the sight of this was...
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 18
Strong Soul sat in her usual right hand seat on the bridge of the Mrr'tani Pride, riding the ebb and the flow of the minds connected to hers. Each of them knew their place and their task, and they communicated silently through the links, connected to...
Trailblazer Part 10
The void is ablaze with burning plasma, powerful shells, untold numbers of craft, power armored knights and so much more square off around the green and blue planet. Derra gives the order many have been waiting for, for the first time in thousands of...
The Banished Wars - Volume Two
These space battles crossed the stars and even ventured into the velmarian new home system, where their military reserve was halted and defeated. in the huli system, the battles continue to wage on the surface of both planets.
The Furry Rebellion: Prolouge
These for five years were just space battles(skirmishes) it then however escalated because of an invasion of a colony. now his family.
The Fall of the Rubberbirds
He had withdrawn his forces to consider a different plan of attack to punish those who dared defy him...when the robots changed tactics again, taking to stars with aerial units in pursuit of his ships, and the resulting space battle had crippled his
Lupis Tech: AI, Paragons and JASPER
Course, whenever jasp plays space combat games against another ai, they don't do stuff like that. stuff you can do in reality but can't in a game.
Grease Monkey Ch.7
"well then, you might want to get into yo..." before tech could finish another word, rev zipped away and came back in his space-combat suit. at first tech didn't notice that he was suddenly wearing his too.
Chapter 9 - Sacrifice
A lot of the faces in the crowd of people were cadets who had never had any experience in space combat since before the battle of alexandria.
Lord of worlds chapter one, and preface
So he was also a major general and had constantly lead his fleet into great space battles and such. early in the following morning, jaseph finally woke up.
No Time For Caution
I decided to try my hand at a space-combat scene with ship-to-ship combat to see how well i could manage it. i think i did well, but if you have any pointers please by all means let me know.
Galactic Conflict - Chapter Fourteen
Of course in space battles, they were heavily outnumbered so it was difficult to make a line but with each ship gaining large area of effect weapons, the fleets could cover across a lightyear.