Golden Age: chapter 7: the Self-aware Hound
**Laelaps- Canis Major** Before I say anything, I just want you to know that I have the power to break the fourth wall. No one else does. They, despite talking to you, have no idea you exist. Some would say that I'm insane for talking to you, but I'm...
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 29
The Future of the Fifth Circle And thus, life went on. It was several days after Barbatos's defeat. Even after defeating a major threat, the lives of the group were still full of busyness and even some catching up to do. After doing some...
Love Bubble Trap
Izzy was a beautiful lifeguard with tan skin, brown hair, and the figure of a model. She decided to go to a secret beach one day without telling her friends, which she would soon come to regret. When she arrived, she slipped on her favorite red...
The Awareness of Nothing
Foremost characteristic of an infinite point true nothingness is binary; between zero and one there is infinity and this duality is reflected as logical realities found in the objective universe -- two poles, two extremities, two sexes the emergence of self-aware
Chapter Eight - Bai Umbra System Part 1
The fullini created a model of self-aware androids about two-hundred years ago, eventually the commonwealth passed laws giving full citizenship rights to any self-aware bots, just as if they were organics.
Escaping-Part 1
However he seems to still retain self awareness and the ability to think for himself'. _what did they mean self awareness i wondered?
Dawn of Chaos Pt 3
It's a strange feeling, becoming self aware, the compound memories fell away and i was left inside the mind of kazath as he changed throughout ages and fallen empires being adopted by some cultures and crushing gods who oppose him.
Delving Deep.
Delving deep within ones self each will find at the very innermost core, oft hidden even from self awareness, the seed, sprouting, full-grown tree of unshakable certitude.
Para-Imperium Technology
If they were truly self-aware, they reason, simulacrums would realize they were machines instead of insisting that they were flesh-and-blood beings. gauss guns: magnetic acceleration has become the standard for projectile weaponry.
Be Somebody - Epilogue
The security guard had forgotten to ask him to empty his pockets, which had allowed adam to escape with the thumb stick containing eve, the now-self-aware centerpiece of project genesis.
self-aware machines that have been rebooted and in the process lost their memories and forgotten their original purpose.
A Destroyer's Heart: Prologue
While he became more self-aware of his dream, he decided against rousing from it to see where it would take him.