Escaping-Part 1

Story by Infra-red on SoFurry

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This is just part one of my two part story I am making. I am not an experienced writer but I think this is a good start for me. This takes place in the far future in the point of view of my fursona, Zero. Zero is an android however he does not know it yet and has lived the beginning of his life in a military science base where they create AI units that are bred for war. With the help of a friend, He will achieve his freedom and get revenge on the people who manipulated him in his life.

May 24-2182

I was exhausted from the combat simulation training. As I stood in the now empty testing room, the scientists, as always stood behind the large glass window taking notes and conversing with each other. I couldn't hear what they were saying since the glass was constructed to be soundproof, no matter how hard I tried. But what were they saying anyway? My curiosity just kept growing and growing. I always wondered why they did any of the things they did. Every time I asked them, they looked at me with a blank stare and said "Its classified". As continued to stand in the combat room, I began looking at them and waiting for a response, they finally left the room with the window and opened the door allowing me to follow them down the hall into the large laboratory for bio-scanning. The large machines always made me feel uncomfortable, no matter how many times they were used on me. I decided to speak to the scientists again. This time hoping for a different response. "Why are you doing this to me. I have been here for 19 years since the day I was born and you never tell me what the hell this is all about." They just said the same damn thing as before. "Its classified".

I later returned to my cell room, the only place I actually felt happy and at peace because there were never any survalence cameras watching me. I lied down on the bed attached to the wall and started thinking about what this was _really _all about. There was something they were hiding from me and I was willing to find out what. They had no right keeping it from me. Of course I was not the only one that was living like this. I have seen other dragons going through the same experience, the testing, the training, but the people who work at this giant place don't ever let us talk to one another. However I was thankful for Kyra. She was a dragon like me, but bigger and stronger looking. She had a really tough attitude toward the scientists but was always nice to me. She was there by my side early on in the combat training. She even called me by the name I preferred, "Zero" even though none of the others did. She told me early on that she was appointed to me to make sure I followed orders, that I did what I was told, but I always saw more to her than that. Kyra was a cyborg like some of the others, but the mechanical parts that covered her body never stopped me from seeing the true friend that lied beneath. She was always there for me, like a guardian.

May 26-2182

It was dark and my training and tests were over for the day. I walked in circles around my room thinking and thinking and thinking until it started to frustrate me to the point were I would break. However I had a plan. I knew this giant metallic building from the inside out. I knew where all the workers went, what rooms were being used at what time, I even knew the lock code for my cell room by remembering the sound of the buttons. This was something they never would have expected me to find out, and tonight I was going to finally put it to use. Every day at 8:00pm when all the "test subjects" are back in their cell rooms, all the scientists, engineers, and others all meet in this conference room at the other end of the building. Once I made sure no one was patrolling the hallway where my cell room was I entered the code on the lock and opened the door. The sound of the door opening was so loud that someone had to have herd it. But as I looked around the dark hallway outside, it seemed to have alerted no one. I slowly walked down the multiple hallways and rooms and labs, I tried to make the least amount of sound possible. "Who knows what might happen if I get caught", I asked myself in my mind. But that didn't worry me for long. It wasn't worth worrying. I finally made it to the room, seeing the last of the few people going in and closing off the room. I slowly crept up to the window in the upper center of the door and despite it being 5 inches of solid metal, I was able to hear them just fine. I saw what looked like military officer enter the room and take a seat. They began talking about something called the "AI Project". One member mentioned me, saying "Subject Zero has surpassed all of our expectations and exercises. However he seems to still retain self awareness and the ability to think for himself'. _What did they mean self awareness I wondered? The scientist continued on to say "We have tried to reprogram him several times but nothing is happening." Another one said "Should he commission him as a prototype and move on to the next android?" What did they mean "android". Am I an android? After all these years was I really just some robotic creation and not a real dragon? I had heard enough. I ran back to my cell room at the other end of the building before anyone saw me. As I opened the door to my room, I found Kyra sitting on my bed waiting for me. She had a very concerned look on her face. "What the hell were you doing Zero?" She asked. I looked at her and said "What the hell are _they doing?" Kyra could see the shock I had in my face and realized I had figured it all out. That I knew what they were planning to do with me. I asked Kyra "What going to happen to me?"

Kyra replied in a strong voice, "Nothing. You and me are escaping".
