_Total Destruction Comes From Within,_ _It Does Not Come From Anywhere Else,_ _Only You hold the Key to Your Own Fate,_ _Take Your Life and Push Forward,_ _Let Nothing Stop You For Only You Can Hold Yourself Back,_ _Only YOU Can Create Your Own...
The end of the Humans
Fire, explosions...war. For a number of years, humans have been selling, slavering, killing anthros just because they were different. Then, about 10 years ago, the up rise began. An anthro leader arose and took hold of a small country. Very soon, an...
The human way
My blood a bioling. My mind a working. My soul of rage is plublic. They call me insane. They call me a mad man. They say i broke him in half. From the inside out. They say my mind snap. Let lose the animal from with in. The fire benath my skin melt...
Human TARDIS By Carl Blessing/Murphy Slaugh Like that blue Police Box from the show, Doctor Who. Bigger on the inside than the outside are me and you. Outside we are just bones and hair and skin, But there's so much to each of us when we look...
Lost Humanity
this isnt really a story, but just a random poem i wrote. maybe someone will like it Lost Humanity, By : Roman Alexander When everything collapses When walls begin to fall The pavement starts to crumble And dreams no longer stall ...
The Human Race
I need to write this down, make these thoughts concrete before they disappear. I am sick of all the confusion and turmoil and suffering people have to endure because of the concept of race. Race is a myth, another one of those big lies, a blanket term...
The First Human
The First Human In the hut They had just made it out of the rain and into the abandoned habitat. The construct was once a towering complex, now transformed into ruined stone work by the orbiting fleet of the Brotherhood. Though this was in no means...
Humanity Gone
Waking up has always been a chore for me. Especially since I have been dreaming a lot. I can remember the times when I enjoyed thinking about my dreams, but the memories are too painful. I already knew what this one meant; it meant I would have to...
To A Human World
(F tf cow anthro; anthro world concept) I don't know why I am writing this- especially so early in the morning. It was a slow wake-up morning... you know those times where you know you are going to go back to sleep if you don't start moving,...
Waiting to be Human
He admired himself once more, under the clouded sky, Benath the moonlit skein, which reflected in a sparkling, Golden eye. "I embrace this." he whispered, as he wrapped his arms about his companion. She too, as a fox-woman, tittered, As they...
human lion
Human lion Alions feelings part 2. Nala and Sasha did walk from the cave and saw Daniel and Johnny who where talking abit more about the human world until Sasha said:"Johnny dear mind come with me as Nala and Daniel need to talk abit alone" Johnny...
The Human Pup
The Human Pup A father runs through the halls of the ship, he was finding his wife and his baby boy. The ship just had an engine meltdown and now they were going to crash. As the head Mechanic, he should be trying to fix this mistake. But he...