Unknown Worlds: Mental Struggling
Unknown worlds: mental struggling my head aches when i opened my eyes, facing the blue skies above with the sun shining down onto the side of my face. raising my head, i yawned thus stretching my wings while i looked over upon my surroundings.
"BLEU" Part Two
These questions were never that clear during my past mental struggles. back then i was filled with confusion, but now these thoughts were clear like black ink on white paper. why is this the case?
"BLEU" - Disorientation
The traits of anxious attachment were prevalent within the childhood stage, but the heavy mental struggle stage during the rebellious stage brought in clear traits of the opposing dismissive attachment.
"BLEU" - Thingy
The intensity mounted with my struggling studies, starting spontaneous mental struggles as my personality descended into chaos.
Psychocalypse - Phrenic Intro
_ no amount of mental struggling seemed to properly translate into motion. even with the mind afire with terror, there wasn't so much as a tremor of motion.
Identity: Chapter Eighteen
struggling over something, his family appeared.
insert title here
He was locked in a mental struggle with a consciousness stronger than his own. suddenly his mind's invader left him. he was once again in control but he feared that the invader, the presence that was in his mind would return and seize control.
D.E1 Chapter 10: Inevitable fate
The mental struggle that they where going through was too much. "very well... then i won't be part of this anymore, even if it means breaking the promise that we gave to our friend kassaar...
Righting Your Wrongs (Chapter 4)
I looked behind me remembering the mental struggle from before, then decided to follow my first thought. i turned to face the doorway and slid off the side of the bed. not feeling any pain whatsoever. i guess saria healed me while i was unconscious.
Former Eaves of Pink Blossoms (PMD:WNA #3)
The weakness would not abate, no matter how the ferocity of my mental struggle. i was too hurt, hungry, and held down. 'axe...' i heard them before too long. it started as a soft murmur in the stillness of the night, but it was persistent.
Lost Pokemon Episodes 18: seeking the last badge
From the view of any outside observer it appears as if nothing is happening but in actuality a mental struggle is being waged. the two pokémon are having a battle of the minds. alakazam is testing miles' psychic abilities with a mental barrage.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7
She couldn't really say what was behind it, perhaps it was the doubt, the mental struggle she was going through. whatever it was, it felt good to accomplish something the cleric way, it meant that she wasn't completely lost.