Scales and Scavs chapter 11, Rescue Operation

He backed away from the sheet as the dracosith lifted their liquid nitrogen guns and barked, "fire!" four streams of liquid nitrogen sprayed over the sheet before james raised a hand and stepped forward.

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Isolation-Excerpt 36-The Devil's Face

I picked myself up and formed an icy ball of liquid nitrogen in my left hand, which i tossed at martin.

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K-495 (chapter 2)

"many times," i said, looking over the gages, taping the one for the liquid nitrogen pressure. the needle dropped, it had been sticking.

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Isolation-Excerpt 22-Primal

The laser sight from his weapon was trained right at my chest and no way was their enough time to line up a kill shot with the revolver, so i produced a ball of the liquid nitrogen and tossed it at him.

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Aged Patience at Dusk (Otherwise Untitled)

When he was satisfied with the performance of his left hand and right knee, he departed for home with several jugs of liquid nitrogen from the cooling turbines he'd arranged in the building next door.

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Sharp Shooter-Chapter 1- The Station

The suppressor on her .300 stuck out a little because of it's silver paint, but you'd never see it until you were right up on her, and by then you'd be covered in liquid nitrogen and be dead before you knew what hit you.

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all best efforts still ended in failure

Doctors tried azithromycin, penicillin, we tried gassing the demon with chlorine, ammonia, and liquid nitrogen. a school teacher suggested using holy texts to box him in.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 5-To Kill Time

"oh yes it is", i said, "it feels like liquid nitrogen. i'm also 100% certain i'm going to get sick from that." "your not gonna get sick", chy said as we started back for the lifeguard tower.

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 31: Rio, Yun, Shayde, and Andal, Desperate Effort Vs. Desperate Effort!

Suddenly, yun opened his mouth and released a large massive amount of liquid nitrogen. the liquid nitrogen cryogenically froze the energy wave and stopped it in its tracks. yun finally landed on the frosted grassy plains with a soft thud.

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** noah's do not require food unless they wish to experience taste, rest if they desire or warmth unless they are frozen in liquid nitrogen which sometimes causes one to be temporarily imprisoned.

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Sparks of Friendship REWRITE!

I thought about how they dipped a squeaky bone in liquid nitrogen and it started squeaking by itself really fast. or the liquid nitrogen klong treat i had. or when they blew stuff up. i thought about how pawesome all of that was.

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