all best efforts still ended in failure

This Week's Writing Challenge: All best efforts still ended in failure. At least 1000 words, don't worry if you go over. Tag all prompts with: WritingGroupChallenge. Add all prompts to a separate folder. Writing challenge: all best...

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Furtasia: Thladiran Language

It corresponds roughly to how a 'half-dozen' is used in english). 2). triplets arpe - verb 1). to triple arpu - adj. 1). third, 2). triple atu - prep. 1). by, 2). by means of, 3). mathematical: jate atu multiply by, 4). mathematical: haife atu divide

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Graphic Violence

And the person who wrote that algorithm knew how fast it was by mathematically comparing it to other algorithms. and algorithms can only be mathematically compared if there's a mathematical definition with which to compare them.

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The Phox

The human schoolchild struggles daily with his mathematics and geometry every single day but to us animals it comes very naturally to us. try not to be jealous.

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Avalon - Prelude

Its basically an alphabet, mathematical system, grammar thing i use within my universes.

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Draven's Story: Memory 3

Instead of discussions on the topic of gender roles in early alden literature or listening to a teacher drone on about some mathematical principle for an hour, students were generally left to their own devices.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 8 - Meant to be broken...

Pi is one of the most important mathematical constants, approximately equal to 3.14159.

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Supervillain origins: Xoephis

By the time he was only eight, he could solve very complex mathematics and physics that even many college students struggled with.

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Unified Species of the Galaxy (Scrapped)

- youngling - (2 - 4 years) the body has grown more, and their mind matures to allow them to understand more complex mathematical systems.


How it Ends.

It had an academic enough name, 'mechanics of the existence,' and the course itself covered a wide slew of mathematics applied to sciences.

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All's Fair - Part 3

After a minute i pulled myself together and walked towards the mathematics classroom - and on past it. \*\*\* thing are finally getting going. does anyone have suggestions for how to speed things up?

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In The Sky With Diamonds - Chapter 1

The teacher calls on me and asks me a question regarding mathematics. god knows i don't know any mathematics, yet somehow i made it into an advanced class. i hesitate for a little bit, then answer. "x equals 14."

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