Paw patrol: Love, lust, and Vampires | Part 1

Part 1: What we hear, and what we make of it It was a normal night in Adventure Bay it was around midnight all pups are sleeping. \*THUMP\* Rocky's Pov: "Huh what was that?" He said to himself groggily "Best go check it...


Echo Pride

"Ready?" Sydney asked his beloved, holding his paw softly. "Y-yeah" TJ answered, and they both entered the parade. TJ could hear Chase and Carl "wow" in astonishment, and he himself was quite impressed. It was though a flare exploded...

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legendary apocalypse:death to humans:prologue

the BEFORE The day was normal people were doing normal things.The legendary pokemon on the otherhand were having a council. The first to speak up was mew "I am fed up with those human organisations nabbing pokemon from there homes,friends and families...

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nohope part one

this is my first story in a world far in the future the date is december 21, 2012 .I was sitting im my house preparing for the worst.As there had been repots of a large meteor(imagine the lincon memorial statue bout that large and wide) headed for the...

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Floraverse Fan Fic: Idol Mistake

Port Innsmouth, Lakeside. Chance and Carta had been traveling towards Mew York City to find themselves some new stock and maybe explore a little, and Lakeside would be their checkpoint before heading deeper into the territories. Already they had...

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top 10 rules to being popular on sofurry

Is that serosly realistic well a book yes but when you have no spell check program ahhhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahah vampire fan fics or esle! 4."

La oscuridad es nuestra aliada

Epero estar progresando en crear fan fics primera parte el sol estaba por salir,y una caravana de ponis con aspecto de nómadas habían instalado sus tiendas para descansar, debajo del puente que va al antiguo castillo de las hermanas nobles.


Floraverse Fan Fic: Break From Score

I hope at least a few of you enjoy a story of two sisters~ floraverse fan fic: break from score downstairs and behind a red wooden door huffs and puffs of frustration could be heard along with the crumpling of paper.

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Crunch The berserk: prolouge

This is my 1st fan-fic upload. its about the how my oc came into the life he lives. i hope you all like it. feedback is welcome, both negative and posative. thanks. thid is the strange story of a creature from the swamp.

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The Holy Bible of Equestria: Book 1: Chapter 1

This is the first chapter of what i consider to be a fan-fic of epic proportions.

Fanfic: DBZ - Freiza's Return

[part 1 of a fan fic of how i think the resurrection of freiza movie should play out.

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Broken Frost

I hope you guys liked my very first fan-fic, i decided to do the rise of the guardians because i just love that movie, it's so wonderful!
