Jayfeather Sits on a Bee

He was jayfeather of the three, he should not have to deal with bee stings in such an embarrassing way!

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Watching for Giants

Biting like bee stings, all ten of the helicopters opened fire with side mounted gunners.

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A Pony Sweeter than Honey

Sweetie belle looks at it and says, "no, it's just a bee sting." "oh..." said apple bloom "well, may i have a bandage then?" suddenly, applejack busted through the front door, short of breath. "sorry for not knockin'. apple bloom!

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Inner Struggle-Chapter 12- A Rude Awakening

Kevin: in my dream you ended up dying due to anaphylactic shock caused by an allergic reaction to a bee sting.

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Chapter 1: EMI

He felt what seemed like a bee sting, and then the world went from white to black. when mark woke, he had a headache that felt like his skull was cracked open in four places.

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Chapter 7: First Steps

At first i thought it was a bee sting, but i started feeling dizzy and tired. what is happening? my legs were getting weak; it didn't take too long for me to collapse onto the ground. i heard footsteps coming closer, "i got him!"

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 15

Ander turned his face away and tried his very best to ignore their words, but they crawled all over his body like a swarm of angry bees, stinging him with their hatred, pumping him full of venom.

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A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 9 -Captivity-

At first it stung like several bee stings to the palm of his hand, but shortly afterwards, he felt the pain dissipate and only be replaced by warmth.

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Ander - Part 3: Subchapter 15

Ander turned his face away and tried his very best to ignore their words, but they crawled all over his body like a swarm of angry bees, stinging him with their hatred, pumping him full of venom.

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The Gray Ranger: Unforgiven, Chapter Forty Four

Like being afraid of a bee sting after having a sword stabbed through your stomach. adlis quickly lost track of time as they rode. she didn't even know what time it was when she came out of the dungeon in the first place.

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The Legend of Atemis Chapter 3

We bears are very resilient to bee stings, so that makes us the perfect beekeepers. if you won't accept it as payment, consider it a gift." "okay. thanks, bjorn. so how'd you get into beekeeping in the first place?" "it's nothing new among bears.

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