The Un-Named (the prolouge/into)

Unless of course... you are an unnamed child. an unnamed child is the only creature in this world that is rejected at birth. it is for no other reason than they hold no meaning to society.

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Unnamed #1

Among the eternal depths, Deep below the seen, There is the unseen, The ever active labyrinth. Of the mind and soul, Ever changing, never the same. It can play tricks and games, Ever close to losing control. The mind is a powerhouse, An...

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[unnamed poem]

Silence. he sits at his desk, his desk. He can remember every detail. The manager tells him what he needs to do. But does he need to? He gets it done, only after hours of procrastination. The manager is proud with his false initiative. The...


Enter the Cat-Prolouge

The unnamed man's features grew clearer as more sunlight began to spill underneath the door.

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Prologue (Unnamed series)

Prologue **15 years ago.** _Chaos. Chaos everywhere._ _Dragons screaming._ _A Hive on fire._ _The Queen gone._ No one knew what to do. Their minds were all awash with abject terror. The comfort of the voice that had always been there, guiding...

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"unnamed" - Chapter One.

I am re-doing a lot of this book. There will be an update this friday. Chapter one will remain only slightly unchanged. In other words, re-reading it won't be needed.

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Tainted Waters - Concepts & Ideas Part 1: The Setting

In the next sections, i will cover the following: the characters: lyndis mark 08 (known as "lyn"), blade (known as "snow" or "kordis"), andromeda, essence of gradivious, 3rd dragon (dagon), 1st dragon (unnamed), 2nd dragon (unnamed), terms & objects

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Another World's Hell Creek

"unnamed goniopholids": three goniopholid species occupying ecological niches talen by crown-group crocodilians in our hell creek. pterosaurs navajodactylus northropi: a thirteen meter wingspanned lonchodectid.

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The World We Live In Character Reference - Narati Vasra

Father (deceased) unnamed mother (deceased) pack brothers and sisters (deceased) _familial background_: born and raised within a pack of fa'ars, narati was taught many ways to survive in the way of a typical fa'ar, which were

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The World We Live In Character Reference - Jek Barlow

Father (deceased) unnamed mother (deceased) familial background: born in a world that is devastated after a war of apocalyptic scale, jek has been taught many survival skills from his father and mother, who were bounty hunters themselves.

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Ep14-The true scope of things-The Tamers of shadow

One thing that the tamers of shadow did not notice is that they all attended the same unnamed high school. they all found this out simply by running into each other in the hallway.

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On The Run

#5 of unnamed wolf story he cautiously hobbled along, watching out for any others. they'd broken his leg and stolen his personal effects. that was hours ago, it seemed. he kept limping along through the dark forest.