Aerro's Backstory

Unsure if he believed what the hivewings told him or not, all he knew of his early days was what he'd been told. how the hivewing queen, wasp, had supposedly found his egg one day while she was out on an island near the wasp hive.

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A Clockwork Dragon (Chapter 3)

Before them stood a rather, dare she use the word, dapper hivewing.

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Prologue (Unnamed series)

hivewings scrambled, trying to bring order to the masses. who was really in charge, where was wasp? what was happening? they knew about the plant, the mind controlling plant. the posters were everywhere, warning them of it.

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The Morning Rush (Chapter 1)

Everyone was in a mad scramble to be ready for the morning rush, when dragons from all over the hive, silkwings and hivewings alike, would flood every inch of the massive space.

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Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!) - Part 2

(about a decade later, a hivewing named cricket would come close, but that is another story.) it was like she needed to go the entire ocean. and by the look on orca's face that probably wasn't far from the truth.

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