Again... with the dreams!
I slowly got closer, it was a turr (proper name: murre) i continued to fly over the ocean and i started to see hundreds of turrs! i wasn't watching where i was going, i heard a splash and the dream was over. again, i was flying...
Blood and Dirt and Bone
"come on turr." walter said, standing. turin followed, pushing back outside, and wishing his coat would tie on tighter. "he has to know there are consequences." walter said, leading turin out of the alleyway and down the street.
What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book I: Chapter 17
Oi bain't surrven no bland zoop turr turrmin beasts!" "an' i ain't lettin' you ruin a perfectly good stew by throwin' all them green onions 'n' cress in it!"
Playing Pretend
Why you breaking us up like this turr?" he asked, and one of the subordinate jackals smacked him clean in the stomach with a cudgel. "move, ya damn bleeder."
The Silent Rain 3 - From Whence We Came
"turr-tuls?" "they resemble this." she scrawled a simple shape of a large stone with patterns, a head and tiny feet. "have you seen anything like this?"