The Unintended Curse Ch17

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 17 To say the least, our stay there at the lord's estate was a nice change of pace. Don't get me wrong, spending time at sea had been an experience, but staying in such fine accommodations as that of a lord's estate was...

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The Unintended Curse Ch16

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 16 I don't know who was more surprised, the younger sister or the elder one. Though the sisters may have been confused by what was going on, I was relieved. "It took you long enough," I said to which made the sisters do a...

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The Unintended Curse Ch19

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 19 (Present) "After that point it was only a matter of time before I was able to convince the others of my intent," said the Lord down to the...

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Journey to another world pt3 ch91

Journey to Another World 6 Ch. 1 "Just one more day until I've saved up enough to go on ahead and buy my own DSi." Kristy said aloud as she finished counting the bills that were stuffed away in a small rectangular manila...

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Rebirth ch1

REBIRTH SCHOOL LIFE Ch. 1 Several months have passed since I started school and things from that point on seemed to become a lot easier for me. The students and the faculty had gotten used to the fact that a Pokemon had come to school,...

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Rebirth ch28

REBIRTH THE HUNT Ch. 28 No matter how much rain that you can bring to a fire that's running out of control, there never seems to be enough. Now add onto that that all the water types that are in the area are totally watered...

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Rebirth ch27

REBIRTH FLASHBURN Ch. 27 Somewhere off in the distance I could hear the sound of someone yelling at me, but for the life of me, I couldn't understand what they were saying. It was like trying to hear someone speak from...

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Rebirth ch26

REBIRTH TO BE A RANGER Ch. 26 'Oh my god. It looks like a natural disaster.' Trish said as we hovered over a set of trees that were the only ones left standing at the edge of a burned area. It was like standing at the precipice of a desert as...

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The Unintended Curse ch11

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 11 We spent the next two days there at that port, selling our fish that we'd caught, and within that time I was able to get the girls some more cloths or at least some more leather to which the elder...

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The Unintended Curse ch10

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 10 Once the two of us had reached the waterway, did I realize that we'd come across a small problem, both the girls didn't know how to swim. 'You have got to be kidding me.' I thought as I...

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The Unintended Curse ch8

THE UNINTENDED CURSE Ch. 8 'Damn. From now on, it's only going to be maidens that I take over.' I thought to myself as yet again I was only able to get a small amount of food from the overly large meal that we'd...

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Journey to another world pt2 ch89

Journey to Another World 5 Ch. 21 "So let me get this strait. You've left home to start on your Pokemon journey and stolen your fathers Poke-dollar machine to his accounts to pay for any battles that you'd loose along...

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