Astral High - Chapter 9

[x] "dude, it's just terraria, chill out." [seth] "what's terror area?" [me] "terraria, is the best sandbox game ever. beats minecraft, at least." [x] "eh, it's okay. it's too combat based." [seth] "that's why it's fun!" "i'm so lost."

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Everchanging - Prologue

Five days. He had been digging for five days straight, leaving breaks for only drink and nourishment when necessary. Numerous blisters covered a majority of his paw, but he never stopped. He couldn't stop, not since he was so close. The excitement was...

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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

"for me, and this is hella tough, it's between terraria, which jinx ended up buying for me, and dying light. it has to go to terraria though, because i actually didn't start playing dying light until november of 2018.

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