Astral High - Chapter 9
#10 of Astral High
Soo... You know that super awkward conversation that Alex and X had at the end of that last chapter?
Seth froze. He was scrambling to try to close the site, but I went over and leaned against the desk, starring at his knot. He was butt naked, and dripping... down there. I smirked, and his blushing got worse.
"Well, we know the symbols are daedric. I wonder what else you figured out. Maybe you've got some fetishes of your own?" [Me]
".... Alex, please... Please don't be mad..."
I moved and hugged him, "Seth... I couldn't be mad at you... Okay, this is embarrasing, but still. I don't care." I pulled back, and saw his boner quivering.
"Thank you... But, could we get X out of here?" [Seth]
"Hey, I'd just join you." [X]
"Yeah, and it's kinda weird. Seriously, could you like, not look?"
"At what, you or the porn? Cause at the moment you're the thing I haven't seen before."
"Wha-... Ew. God, I'm grossed out. I'm closing this." He turned and shut down the site, then got up, and I saw the cap end of a whiteboard marker sticking out of his butt. He pulled it out, and I felt myself turned on by him and his silliness.
"Dude, you need toys." [X]
"I told you not to look."
"You didn't make me."
"X, I'm gonna kill you if you keep starring at my boyfriend." [Me]
"Okay, turning around now." He did so, and Seth put his clothes back on, mimicking the jeans and tee I was wearing.
"So, what do you guys wanna do today?" [Seth]
"Can I turn around now?" [X]
"No." [Me]
"Oh come on! I could tell by the sounds of fabric that he was putting clothes on, and those sounds have stopped!"
I grabbed a pillow off the bed and smacked X upside the head with it. He turned around, grabbed the pillow, and shoved it in my face, pulling my head- with the pillow still covering my face- to his chest. I could only partially breathe, but I knew Seth would do something. Of course, I didn't expect X to fall away from me suddenly.
He dropped to the floor, clutching his shin, "God, Seth! What was that for?!"
"Hugging my boyfriend." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him.
"Kicked him in the shins?" [Me]
"More like stabbed! God, those toe nails are like blades! Do us all a favor and cut them before kicking someone again!" [X]
The door opened again, and Seth's mom walked in, looking sleepy and tired, "What is all the- who... who even are you?" She was looking at X, who was blushing really badly.
"Uh... Name's Xenon."
"That... That doesn't even begin with an X." [Seth]
"Yeah it does, heard of xenophobia?" [Me]
"So, you went to school with them?" [Seth's mom]
"Mhm. Don't worry, I know how to behave at other peoples' houses and stuff." [Xenon]
"It's not that I'm worried about, it's whether or not you know that... they..."
"Mom, he's gay too. In fact he hooked up with someone before school even really started." [Seth]
"Oh, okay. When do you boys want breakfast?"
"I already ate." [Me]
"Whenever." [X]
"Okay, is ten late enough for you, Seth?" [Seth's mom]
"Yeah." [Seth]
"Okay." She went back out of the room and probably upstairs. There was an awkward pause as X got up off the floor.
"So... Xenon." [Me]
"See, X sounds cooler." [X]
"Xenon? What does that even mean?" [Seth]
"I don't know, what does Seth mean? What does Alex mean?"
"Xeno is latin for strange or foreign. Makes sense since you're adopted." [Me]
"Huh, that does make sense. Dangit, you ruined my cool name." [X]
"Still cool, just logical." [Seth]
"Yeah... Man, that really does make sense, I mean, they're freaking Ferrets, they aren't even canines." [X]
"That a bad thing?" [Seth]
"Fer. Fusk. Ih. Folf. Ferret, Fusky, Folf."
"Oh, right. Wait, that's still mostly Canine."
"Still got ferret in me."
"That explains why your tails so long. And fluffy." [Me]
"You say it like my tail's huge or something."
"It's kinda ridiculous." [X]
"No it isn't." [Seth]
"It's like three feet long, it'd drag on the ground if it weren't curled up like a canine's tail." [X]
"And like eight inches thick-" [Me]
"That's because of the fluffiness." [Seth]
"I know, I'm using it as proof that it's absurdly fluffy. It's adorable as crap."
"Then stop complaining about it."
"I'm not complaining, I'm... bringing it to your attention. ... That your tail is absurdly proportioned."
"Shut up." [Seth]
"So.... You guys up for some Castle Crashers? Or anything?" [X]
"Heh, yeah." I turned around and lead X upstairs to the couch and xbox. Seth sat down on the couch and I leaned into him, letting him roll me over and pull my butt into his crotch, which I could tell was still hard. I kissed him on the cheek as X got us controllers. He chose the game and we ended playing all sorts of wacky games in Seth's arcade. Age of Booty, Castle Crashers, Geometry Wars... They were all weird to me. Fun, but weird none the less.
After breakfast, my brunch, X was snooping through the games on Seth's xbox when he freaked out about something. I went into the main room and gave him a weird look, Seth following.
"Oh my god... Why haven't we been playing this all morning?!" [X]
"Dude, it's just Terraria, chill out." [Seth]
"What's terror area?" [Me]
"Terraria, is the best sandbox game ever. Beats minecraft, at least." [X]
"Eh, it's okay. It's too combat based." [Seth]
"That's why it's fun!"
"I'm so lost." [Me]
"Come on, I'll show you." Seth hopped onto the couch, and I laid down on him, cuddling up to his warm body. I grabbed my controller and spent the first day in Terraria trying to master the controls, then was confused by how... well, by everything in general. It wasn't like minecraft, and I expected it to be. I guess there's differences in sandbox games.
After a few hours, I finally got the hang of it, and managed to get ahead of Seth and X by the time Ted and Daniel showed up. Ted had another armload of games, and we introduced X to the wonderful world of table top games. X went home around eight, and Ted and Daniel spent the night at Seth's house. It was nice to cuddle up with Seth, certainly better than sleeping alone in my own cold bed, even if I'd end up holding him, and giving myself freezer burn.
I was jerked awake by the floor hitting my spine. I groaned, and felt like my back was broken, and heard voices around me. Sure, Seth's, Ted's, and Daniel's, but other voices. Voices I hadn't heard before. I felt myself being shaken and looked around, realizing the voices were gone. The others had brought me back up on the bed, and Seth looked worried.
"Oh my god... Are you okay?" [Seth]
"Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine." I sat up more, leaning against the wall.
"You sure? You feel off the bed?"
"I noticed."
"More like threw yourself off the bed." [Ted]
"He just rolled over, that's all." [Daniel]
"From my angle it looked intentional, but I obviously don't think clearly with Daniel inside of me."
"You guys are sick." [Seth]
"You're one to talk." [Me]
"Hey, I want you to be the only person I do it with, but until you're ready, I'm gonna need some porn now and then."
"Ew, why are you telling us this?" I noticed Ted scratching himself, and it brought to my attention they were naked.
"You guys have no room to talk." [Me]
"Do too." [Daniel]
"Says the guy who fell asleep with his dick forced promptly up someone's butt." [Seth]
"Not to mention, it wasn't even at their house." [Me]
"Okay, so maybe I was a bit hippocritical-" [Daniel]
"A bit?" [Ted]
"Hey, you were too!" [Daniel]
"Heh, I know..."
"Okay, is it just me, or are you being a total suck up to Daniel?" [Me]
Ted just latched onto Daniel, burying his face in Daniel's armpit. I suddenly felt tired and looked at Seth's clock. 4:29. Of course. Only I would make everyone wake up at such an unjust time.
I tugged at Seth's arm and he got the message. Ted and Daniel lied back down on the floor, nestling into the mass of sleeping bags and blankets. Seth rolled me over and pulled me to his perfect body, and I was overcome by the smell of his fur, using his arm as a pillow. I fell asleep once more, and felt my heart ache from it's love for Seth...
God I sound gay.