“They Call Me...” Chapter II: Rendezvous

Unbeknownst to it all, and somewhat coming to, the tattered mess of fur and flesh fell back on his rear, his radiant blue hues staring up vibrantly in the sky as jawline swung open. "W-W-W....H-He--_AH!!!!!!!!!_" the lupine shrieked, a piece of...

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“They Call Me...” Chapter I: All Washed Up.

On a cold, rain-drenched evening on the night of an extremely vague lunar crescent laid an animate figure plastered on all fours next to a rapid gusher of water and sound. The estuary held back the sound of consistent groaning as the creature struggled...

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Another Chance: Chapter 2

Another Chance Chapter 2 Garret threw up his arms to protect himself, unaware that the situation had changed entirely. He hid under his wet arms for several seconds. Nothing came and nothing would come. Slowly, he peaked out between his fingers...

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Another Chance: Chapter 1

Another Chance Chapter 1 The plane jarred slightly as it hit a bit of turbulence. Few people noticed, turbulence was just another annoyance of flying on top of the all too familiar crying children and arguing couple. While some hated flying due to...

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#1 of microfics you're stranded on the bed again. you've been awake for an hour or so, but your titanic partner slumbering next to you won't budge.

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Stranded - Night 1

#4 of stranded night 1! :o **wowza what a week it was for me last week! had almost no free time to do much of anything but homework and study and this is the first time that i've been able to sit down and actually bust out a chapter.

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Stranded Thief

As Carmelita ran out of Dr. M's lair, the echoing sound of her footsteps began to fade. Once she reached the exit, a light breeze and the darkness of the sky reminded her that it was night. The fox was so focused on running that she didn't realize Sly...

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Stranded - Shipwrecked

#2 of stranded chapter 1 of the new story! :d **ooooooooooooh it's time you guys! i buckled down and busted my ass so i could have this out tonight, i've been waiting all night to write this thing so here it is!

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005 Stranded But Not Lost

Consult the readme at https://www.sofurry.com/view/729937 save point: stranded but not lost remote unnamed island keselt makes a disheveled grunt as she is kicked, well not so much really kicked as foot-planted and given a vigorous shove, out of the still

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Stranded - Day 1

#3 of stranded chapter 2! :o **good morning everyfur! as promised from my journal update from last night i got up this morning and finished up the next chapter of stranded from last night and i'm going to start writing silent soul here in a bit.

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Stranded Part:2

"AHHHHHH...."I wake with a start, launching myself of my makeshift bed and into a tree branch with a thud. "Owwwwwww" I say rubbing my head. Having been born in the wild I've had to live with whatever I could scavenge together be it poles for weapons...

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Antithesis, A web strand broken

Alrighty, this chapter and the next one are the last ones of the chapters I have finished at the moment. Hopefully it will tide you over until i get the rest done. I hope you enjoy them. As always, comments are appreciated and...

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