Sparkles and Scales

Custom cover artwork by elza fox editing and so much more by klamnei friendship is magic: sparkles and scales by winter quill twilight sparkle felt like her world had come crashing down around her shoulders.

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Sparkle and the upset dragon

Asked sparkle. "yes, sparkle. i promise." the dragon said, nodding his head. "good. i'll be your best friend. okay?who's a good dragon?" sparkle asked, rubbing his snout. "i am..." the dragon replied, smiling back. "come on now.

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Chapter 8: The Sparkles Of Love

Chapter 8: the sparkles of love xenan woke up and saw mercy. "my head hurt." - he said and mercy answered - "yeah. i saw the wound on the back of your head. no wonder it hurts.".


(Chapter Four) Helpless Hearts in the Heat of Hell

sparkle's ears perked a moment and she frowned. no back tracking. go with it. think fast, and stall. "yup.

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(Chapter Three) Honor Amoung the Dead

sparkle simply rolled her eyes. "roland...come on dude, i just saved your life. can't you- oh mi gawd!!! look out a distraction!!" sparkle hollered, pointing away from theâ lion urgently.

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(Chapter Two) The Fallen Find a Favorite

sparkle gave a nervous giggle and waved a paw. "oh! hey! hello there! angry lion dude...we're friends...remember me? sparkle.

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Sanna Gon' Be Pissed.

(This story was supposed to be a christmas story I wrote for my friends originally. My friends have a really goofy sense of humor, so this stroy fit perfectly. Unfortuentely, it was about reindeer, and I didn't think they'd get most of the furry jokes,...

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MLP: To Earth and Back

Lunar took a deep breath. He was slowly pacing back and forth within the throne room awaiting his wife's return. She had some business to attend to in Cloudsdale, this coupled with the fact that they were to travel to Earth upon her return had the...

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MLP: Rise of Nightmares

"my my twilight sparkle if i were a dragon you would be in some big trouble." "oh, i'm so sorry your highness please forgive me i was just so caught up in this book that i wasn't looking where i was going."

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Lunar flew with all the speed he could muster back towards Canterlot. He was in Ponyville discussing the town's budget with the mayor before receiving a a floating scroll before his face from his younger sister-in-law Luna. It was word that his mare...

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MLP: Rise of Nightmares pt 2

"be at peace twilight sparkle. as you are celestia's prized student and my close friend i swore to protect you and the rest of the elements. i wish i could protect you from your dreams but unfortunately that is luna's territory not mine."

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