losing hope/first steps ch.10 (Todd/Conner)

I see wendell smacking the living shit out of conner, "what the...


Part 1: Talking Smack

._ just then, someone smacked into his tail as they went about their way through the crowded bar. "sorry," the man - a human - muttered, somewhat uncaringly.

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Mark The Blood Wolf

With a growl and a loud hard smack on the face the other wolf breathed heavily "last test subject?! last!?! if this be our last because of you i'm gonna hunt you down and tear you up piece to piece! got that!?"

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Conker and Berri

Conker asked playfully raining smack after smack on her now crimson red rear. "yes i will conker." berri said playfully. "okay."

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Minimum Wage Wrestling #4

He smacks the quad hard, _smack! smack! smack! smack! smack!

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Another Punishing Spar

Not a moment later, ricky threw another hook and smacked him on the cheek himself, making him sink lower into the ropes.

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Brace for Impact Ch.3

The chair smacked against his side. i reeled back and drove it hard into him big gut. he grunted in pain holding his stomach. i reeled back again, it smacked his thigh. another shot, to his kneecap, he goes down onto his knees. "hyah!"

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 17

smack. smack. smack. the noise of his punches, strong and quick, but each followed by less and less determination. the body he was striking was so soft, putting no resistance at all, becoming more bruised and beaten with each strike.

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Big Dude Wrestling #1

Then he took a step back and leaped high in the air to smack my face with the bottom of his boots with an impressive dropkick. smack! "ohhh!" the crowd chanted again.

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Chapter Twenty Five - Who's That Pokemon!?

I quickly flipped around before i smacked into the wall, and shoved him between me and the wall, gasping as we both smacked into it. he smacked into the wall, and i bounced off of him, quickly jumping to my feet.

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The reality of the situation

The mew smacked nike into the air and then threw him into the ground. comet looked at the mew "god damn it, how are we supposed to beat him?!" ethan was watching all of this, he covered his chest with his hands.

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Behind Those Red Eyes Ch. 2

And just like that, raph smacked his younger brother on the back of the head nearly leaving a hand print. "owww!... i said pinch me raph not smack me on the back of my head!" "pinch, smack what's the difference?"

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