Burrows Fanfic: Sam's View
Following the path sidestory as he drew his last breath, sam saw everything. he saw his mistakes, his smothering of simone, his inability to comfort his brother.
Chapter 1: The Raid
This is a sidestory to the main storyline. technically part of the story, but minimal effect on the main storyline.
Zoological Funhouse
A quick sidestory from the petting zoo universe. sugar is such a silly wolf some times. a catchy intro theme plays and a mean looking white wolf in a red bowtie appears on the tv screen. the white wolf says, "welcome to the zoological funhouse."
Jason's Nightmare - Part 9 [Breaking the Ice... sort of]
Note: this is a sidestory to bridgetopeace's pokemon high school series.
The gutpunching home - Sidestory 2
A GROUNDED BOUT The Abs-olute Strength club quickly gained fame of both being a tough place to endure because of how powerful many of the members are, and also a good place for pairs of friends to join in, if they find boxing and/or gutpunching to be...
The gutpunching home - Sidestory 1
HAXORUS AND RAMPARDOS: EXTREME DINO GUTS Some time later, thanks to the popularity of the club, many more Pokémon started joining. Two of them did so together, and this day they have arranged to have their own 'special' boxing fight. The two Pokémon...
Once in a Blue Moon
The main plot won't have any yiff, but they'll be plenty of room for sidestories later on. have you ever wanted to be someone else? somewhere, sometime else? look in the mirror. is the image looking back really you? is this really your life?
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.2 - Suspect Contained
So, in yakuza games, there's always a sidestory of some minor sport or event that is always treated as the next level and well, one time i watched 4 hours of ping-pong and got weirdly into it.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 8.2 - The Mad Bird of Issincho
This was a very fun chapter, though the beginning part with meiji was actually done last just to wrap his sidestory up. i extremely loved writing the last part of this though, one of my favourite scenes to write! godzilla and co. copyrighted to toho co.