Jason's Nightmare - Part 9 [Breaking the Ice... sort of]
#10 of Jason's Nightmare
Welp, it's been a while since I worked on Jason's Nightmare so here you go! Part 9 of the series and already it's coming to an end. Don't worry though, I think we'll be seeing more of Jason in the new series I'm making.
NOTE: this is a sidestory to BridgeToPeace's Pokemon High School series. If you guys know him or follow/watch him, you'd know he updates really slowly (he's busy with a lot of other things, don't get mad at him) so i really have no idea what will happen next in his story. This side story may or may not go with the timeline of his story, i just did this as a way of revealing Jason's past with you guys.
Jason: Lucario (my character)
Sarah: Gardevoir (diseased, my character)
Guren: Gardevoir (BridgeToPeace's character)
Raiki: Luxray (BridgeToPeace's character)
"Sarah... you still there?" Jason mumbled softly, the lucario calling out from the empty room of the dining hall.
As if to answer, a cold breeze gently blew inside and brushed against Jason's fur. Sarah, a female Gardevoir, was Jason's girlfriend before she died. Even after death, Sarah remained by Jason's side for who knows why and who knows how. She does not usually communicate with Jason other than using the breeze. Although she sometimes visits Jason's dreams to have conversations with him, she rarely appears to Jason in the physical world. There was that time though in the shower where Sarah used the steam as a mirror of sorts, and later that night where she used the light of the moon.
"Can we establish a stable way of communicating?" Jason paced around the room fiddling with his fingers.
"I dunno..." Sarah's voice echoed inside Jason's mind. "It's not really appealing to see somebody talking to himself."
"I didn't mean THIS stable communication." Jason mumbled to himself. "I meant one where I can see you like last night or in the shower."
Sarah's chuckle echoed inside Jason's mind as she softly brushed his cheek which felt like a gentle breeze to the Lucario. "Honestly, Jason, stop clinging onto me like this. I'm dead already, I'm just keeping my promise of never leaving your side. I'd like to minimize my communication with you as much as possible so that you won't get used to having me as a substitute or backup when you're alone."
"Yeah... yeah..." Jason mumbled with protest in his mind, but he couldn't say no. He knows that Sarah is right, that's he's not supposed to hold on to the thought that Sarah was still with him. He has to accept that she's already gone, that she can't be the one to keep him company when he's alone.
"There's still Guren and that Raiki person, you could hang out with them." Sarah suggested. "She did say they were going on a walk together didn't she? Why don't you tag along?"
Jason snorted in protest. "Last thing I need is having Raiki and I fight again."
"He just needs to get to know you more." Sarah replied hoping to convince Jason. "C'mon Jason, do it for me."
"Dammit..." Jason cursed silently. Every time Sarah uttered those words, especially in that kind and caring tone of her, Jason couldn't help himself but do as she says. "Fine... I'll go." He mumbled. "But if Raiki blows a fuse I'm gonna spend my entire day in the lake."
"Aw, I'm sure the three of you would get along just fine."
"Mleh." Jason moaned in protest as he slowly made his way towards the door to find Guren and Raiki. Jason slowly opened the door and a rush of warm morning air blew at Jason's fur, the fresh grassy scent blew into Jason's nostrils sending waves of comfort throughout his body. The smell of the mountain air and the grassy fields reminded Jason of his home in Avalon.
Jason's thoughts drifted away at the reminder of his home as he started to walk mindlessly into the woods in deep reminiscing. Avalon... it was a very peculiar place for certain. Avalon was very sentimental about its ancestral heritage, their practices, culture, everything has been preserved and is still being practiced. Although even Avalon cannot stop the march of progress, the modern world that slowly spreads and sometimes overshadowing the values of the past, Avalon accepted the modernizing world and some of its blessings, but their lifestyle and practices remain untouched.
"Jason..." Sarah called out in the deep crevices of Jason's mind. "Guren and Raiki are on their walk now."
Jason paid no attention to Sarah's voice, not while he was daydreaming. He remembered how the modernization of Avalon walked at a snail's pace except with the weaponry. Avalon is the center of military power in their region. their military force is undefeated throughout the centuries, even in their ancestral past, not a single loss. Their only competitor was Arkha, their sisterland, the masters... er... mistresses of tactical warfare. The two lands have been rivals for centuries, each trying to best the other but none would budge an inch.
Jason recalled the intensity of the training he underwent in his times at the academy. All the days, weeks, months and years of hard work in training Jason's combat capabilities. The students were given the obligation of practicing the original pokemon way of combat, those who are truly devoted to the ancestral ways, and others... most actually, were given the option of practicing different forms of martial arts, which Jason became quickly an adept in.
Of course Damion's death was a truly traumatic experience for a young Jason, causing him into a few months' worth of isolation, until he met Sarah. The young Kirlia quickly became the closest person in Jason's life, she was quick in reminding Jason of what life really is beyond the realm of his mind and desires. Because of her, Jason decided to take a course on supportive abilities, even to the extent of traveling to Arkha to learn in the magical arts where he assumed the false name Icarus and with Sarah as his guide.
In the end, Jason's evolved to become a Lucario who's more defense and support oriented, manipulating his aura in a way that it exponentially increases his defense and also with the capability of healing the wounded and the sick. Of course this drew mock and scorn the several of those from Avalon, but Jason didn't mind, as long as Sarah was by his side.
"Yes, yes, I'm well aware of our lands' history and background." Sarah's complaint echoed inside Jason's mind causing a slight touch of irritation to form within Jason's thoughts. "Your two friends are having some time without you, you might as well hurry."
"Sarah, I appreciate your concern but I'll be in Japan for a year." Jason whispered as his brow twitched in irritation. "I'm pretty sure I have a lot of time to make friends."
For a moment, Jason feared that he went too far. He knows Sarah cared for him and only wanted to help but she's just pushing Jason a bit too far. Jason missed Sarah, that's undeniable, but he also missed his home, the place where he could be himself. He had to drop his child-like play and leave it behind in Avalon, he knew that Japan wouldn't accept a child-like retard running a mock around the area, especially not a modern city such as Shinzuku. But it seems Sarah realized her mistake as well. "You're right... I'm sorry. I guess I got excited by the idea that you're going to be making new friends in your first week in an alien world... I guess I was pushing you too much."
"You got that right." Jason managed a faint smile and a weak chuckle. "But... thanks for the concern. Just don't give me too much of it."
"You got it." Sarah replied with a soft, gentle kiss to Jason's cheek which felt like a gentle lick from the forest breeze.
Jason felt another load off of his chest. Sarah was still there by his side, watching him, guiding him, keeping him company in his time of need. Jason made his way deeper into the mountain's forests until he made his way to the lake where he found the very people Sarah wanted him to see. Guren and Raiki were sitting by the lake, Guren resting her head on Raiki's shoulder as the two shared a tender moment together.
"Oh look, it's Jason-kun." Guren said with glee as she turned to see the lucario approach.
"Ugh." Raiki moaned in disgust, rolling his eyes and shifting from side to side in discomfort. "I thought you said Jason-kun didn't want to come along."
Jason chuckled and stood beside the two of them. "Yeah, well people can change their mind. May I?" Jason gestured towards Guren's side.
"Of course." Guren replied patting the grass by her side.
"No!" Raiki protested.
"Too late." Jason teased as he quickly sat down next to Guren.
"Aw, don't be like that Raiki-kun." Guren teased as she wrapped her arms around Raiki's arm. "You and Jason have been together for over a week now, you two can't possibly still hate each other."
"It's because he doesn't have a sense of humor." Jason snickered at his own comment.
"That, or you Americans are the most annoying species there are." Raiki replied quite coldly, his irritation grew to a near uncontainable level.
"That, or the Japanese stereotype is strong with you." Jason jokingly replied. "You're just too serious all the time."
Raiki let out a harsh growl. "Well you don't have to act all retarded all the time!"
"Raiki-kun!" Guren scolded as she slapped Raiki's shoulder. "He doesn't act retarded all the time, he's just trying his best to keep everyone happy and cheerful."
"And besides, the worst I can do is a corny joke." Jason added. "I don't really act so retarded, even I have my dignity."
"Sure you do..." Raiki commented sarcastically.
"You're just thinking of some excuse to get mad at him." Guren replied. "Why can't you two just get along like friends or something?"
There was a silence that soon followed, Jason and Raiki in deep contemplation of how they would respond to Guren's suggestion. The two barely know each other, it's only been a week since they met and almost every day that passed had them arguing and fighting. The two have never really developed a respect towards each other because of that.
"You two have so much in common, more than you two think." Guren answered with a calm, soothing tone, patting both Jason's and Raiki's shoulder. "Well, I'll leave you two alone then. I have to make sure that the other students don't run a mock around the place." She stood up and brushed the dirt and grass off of her dress. "Honestly, the two of you would make the best of friends once you get to know each other." And at that, she turned and walked away.
Jason and Raiki sat there motionless, staring at the lake in awkward silence. "Guren-chan believes that you and I are alike..." Raiki mumbled, breaking the silence. "As it pains me to say it, she's wrong."
"Innocent until proven guilty." Jason replied. "What makes you say she's wrong when you barely even know me?"
"What makes you say she's right when you don't know me either?" Raiki asked as a rebuttal.
"We should always be given the benefit of the doubt." Jason answered with a smile. "Seeing as I don't know you and you don't know me, there's the possibility that we do have something in common."
"Hmph." Raiki grunted and turned away. "Is that so? What if I told you that you aren't the only being in this world? You think your opinion matters to anyone? You think I'd care? I'd agree to disagree." He answered quite harshly.
Jason stared at Raiki in confusion. "Dude... what? You don't have to be THAT deep, I'm just trying to participate in a conversation."
Raiki took a deep breath then sighed. "Then how about this: have you had someone you love, the most important person in your life, just taken from you?" he asked with a stern tone. "Have you felt your heart torn into a million pieces? My whole life is a living hell each waking moment, what could you and I possibly have in common!?" Rage filled Raiki as he began pouring out all that he felt. His eyes were wide with anger and his mouth shown his fangs in a snarl as he barked out every word.
Jason just sat there, staring at Raiki as if nothing had happened, even trying to suppress a laugh which would have been really unnecessary. "You have no idea." He answered simply with a smile.
Raiki's brow started twitching in irritation. Why would this stupid Lucario just smile at him like this? Does Raiki's past amuse him? Is Jason some sort of sadistic creature that enjoys the suffering of others? What does he mean by 'You have no idea'?
"I don't mean to be rude but really, there's not much mystery to what I said." Jason chuckled and patted Raiki's back causing him just flinch in surprise. "Yeah... I was reading your mind a little... I'm sorry."
"What did you mean by 'You have no idea'?" Raiki asked.
"I mean that I've been through the same thing." Jason answered with a sigh as he returned his gaze towards the lake. "Twice actually."
Raiki couldn't believe what he was hearing. This cheery, goofy and childish Lucario has been through the same torments he's been in? Raiki felt himself beginning to relax, why was he feeling like this? Why was he feeling so casual around the very creature he so hated, the one he'd never expect to form a bond with?
"Well then," Jason stood up and patted the grass off of his shorts. "I'll leave you to your pondering then."
"Wait!" Raiki called out causing Jason to stop and turn around.
"We never had this conversation, you got that!?" Raiki barked out with a stern voice cause Jason to let out another chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Jason let out a small laugh as he walked away, leaving Raiki behind by the lake.
"Told you." Sarah's voice echoed inside Jason's head. "You two would make great friends."
The day went on without much significance. Although Jason did go to the realization that he doesn't encounter much students during his walks in the forests, of course this topic was very insignificant so he completely dismissed it as some miracle by the divines granting him the peace and quiet he so desired. As the sun began to set, the moon began to rise and the stars dotted the beautiful night sky, Jason realized how little sleep he had the night before as he could barely keep his eyes open. He slowly limped his way back into his cabin where he took a short shower before going to bed.
"Well, Raiki," Jason mumbled under his breath as he slowly drifted into unconsciousness. "Sarah believes that you and I can be friends... we really need to work on that attitude of yours."