After the Storm - Part 30 [End of the Line]
"Oh my gods..." The Grovyle gasped in horror as he watched the explosion from the jumbo screen followed by nothing but blank static. Charlie grit his teeth and clenched his fist, a low growl reverberating in his throat as he tried keeping his rage in...
After the Storm - Part 28 [Blessing and Curse]
The Riolu and the Kirlia were standing in the basement of Jason's house, still on their quest to speak somewhere private. Jason had led them to his house considering it's his only actual safe place for him. He set his bullet proof vest and his utility...
After the Storm - Part 27 [High School Reunion]
"Anything?" the Sceptile asked as the older Gallade let go of the large block of ice that encased the Hypno. The six pokemon, the Charizard, Blaziken, Blastoise, Sceptile and the two Gallades, were in the cell where they held the Hypno. It was a...
After the Storm - Part 26 [Curious Kids]
Everyone present, the three psychic types, Jason's and Charlie's fathers, Harrison and the Blastoise, stared at the Riolu with surprise in their expressions. Jason, on the other hand, looked behind him, assuming that the Sceptile was referring to that...
After the Storm - Part 25 [Catching Up]
"Hey there, Jason." The Charmeleon chuckled as he approached the Riolu. "It's been ages since we last saw each other. Would it have killed you to at least call?" "Apparently..." The Riolu let out a nervous chuckle. "Joseph would've filleted me if I...
After the Storm - Part 24 [The Visitors]
A soft, cool breeze brushed against the three traveling pokemon as they made their way through the thick forest that surrounded the city of Avalon. They were initially traveling by car through the main rode but were instructed to leave it and proceed...
After the Storm - Part 23 [Looking Back]
About a month has passed since the recruits were dismissed to their own training. Jason and Charlie weren't able to pursue training together as both their parents decided to train them individually. The Riolu trained vigorously with alternating...
After the Storm - Part 22 [The Interview - Part 2]
The Riolu and the Garchomp sat quietly in the cafeteria eating their own plates of a BLT sandwiches that the Garchomp had prepared. No conversation came from either of them along the way since they were at the meeting room. As much as Jason had more...
After the Storm - Part 21 [Unsettling discussion]
"You can't possibly be serious!" Ignatius roared out in protest. The large, burly Charizard was in his office along with a Blaziken, a Blastoise and a Sceptile. Each of them wore a grim expression on their face as their argument and debate has been...
After the Storm - Part 20 [The Interview - Part 1]
Jason gave it a moment to think of the questions he'd like answered... but of course, he got the obvious one out of the way. "You're not American, are you?" "What do you mean?" Harrison asked coyly, a small grin forming on his face. "You can manage...
After the Storm - Part 19 [I spy a spy]
The rest of Jason's day was rather uneventful considering what happened. After he and Charlie parted ways, he decided to head on home. On the way, he stopped by and paid his severed arm a visit. He took back his watch then set the severed arm on fire....
After the Storm - Part 18 [The Intruder]
Jason was rather saddened by the Charmander's determination even though it goes against his well-being. Still, that was something to be expected of soldiers, so Jason didn't object. He **DID** give Charlie the freedom to choose their next move....