November 2022 Schedule

Hi there everyone, I'm sorry I only got a page and a half of the NIMH story started last month, some things came up to interrupt me so I do apologise for that. But I will try and get it done this month if I can, I should be able to I hope before I go...


About my story schedule

#3 of announcements upload schedule i think i got a little bit carried away the last 2 days with uploading stories. i mean... people were reading them and i got all excited. i now realized if i want to get commissions done i got to slooooow down.


All the Little Things Release Update 2!

#17 of all the little things 1 - tests of the soul as i get closer toward the release of my first book (which is still on schedule i might add), i will be editing the chapters that are already in this folder, removing about half or more of the contents of

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Counter Earth Chronicles Dual Realities Chapter 20: When The Very Thing You Are Looking For Is The One Thing You Can’t Find

"i checked your schedule- you do have a session scheduled with sir ram tomorrow. but i have a distinct feeling he will cancel on you because of higher priorities." i stared at my two consortium members on the viewscreen. "really?"

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Philadelphia's Confession

I'm not sure how to explain this other than to say he didn't have it marked on his schedule, and everybody i'd ever known who died had it on their schedule. i kind of lost it.

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Ferrets can’t rig. Badgers can’t pull.

"royce, it's been two days since you split the ferrets and badgers and our framing schedules are slipping. something which greatly concerns me since the carriage units are ahead of schedule.

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Ferrets can’t rig. Badgers can’t pull

"royce, it's been two days since you split the ferrets and badgers and our framing schedules are slipping. something which greatly concerns me since the carriage units are ahead of schedule.


Aspen and Jake ch.1-First Day of School

Aspen turned and shouted out to me "show me you're schedule after home room!"

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Astral High - Chapter 23

Is my schedule there?" "uh, yeah, here. what about you?" [the ferret] "huh? oh, uh- raymond." [ted] "daniel raymond. there's a name i could get used to." [daniel] "uh, it says theodore on his schedule."

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Jeremy 010; Time Moves On

The second authorizes the academy to release your transcripts to any dominant scheduled to meet with you.


Prison Cell (Thursday Prompt 23/8/12)

If they let me out into the yard on schedule, i'd be convinced it was a fire drill, not their "strict" schedules glaring at them, screaming to let me see the sun. wandering from corner to corner, or more accurately rolling, pretending to stay busy.


Shoot! 01: The Game Begins

He walked into the administration building to pick up his class schedule and the new laptop that was promised him for his classes.

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