Yelmi Chapter 6 "Yelmi's Destiny"

salena along with gondau turned their eyes to him as he cracked his knuckles. "that's impossible, i broke your neck, your suppose to be head!"


Fade To Black Chapter 5 "A New Threat"

Through out the day she had run into salena, jarel and daren, even though his sister and friend talked to her he didn't take part in any conversation.


Yelmi Chapter 4 "Oblivion"

Back at salena's house the sun just gone down and both of them jumped into bed. it didn't feel as strange as he thought, that was until she wrapped an arm around him and pulled his back against her.

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Fade to Black Chapter 3 "Men or Monsters"

She suddenly wanted to take the work "freaks" back before it made salena mad. "you don't have to worry, we have been called freaks before even in our human forms.

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Fade to Black Chapter 2 "The Goofball Duo"

During her first hour class she had found out what salena's brothers name was, daren. daren and jerel, weird boys but they lifted the mood for not only her but others.

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Yelmi Chapter 3 "The Which That Saved His Life"

"salena., sorry if i scared you. i found you washed up on the coast line this morning and i brought you back here. i'm guessing your yelmi." he looked at her suspiciously, how did she know his name.

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Future (Free Writing)

The mink girl, salena, took a special interest in me and kept contact. i assumed that what i said meant something to her, and i was glad. she had said i was smart, and that i was more likely to adapt to this world than anyone she had known.

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Yelmi Chapter 5 "Death"

As he slipped into some fresh clothes he heard salena rummaging through the cabinets in the kitchen. as saw her opening and closing all her cabinets as he buttoned up his jacket. "is something wrong?"

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