For What It's Worth

It was on a november day that the rotc building at ut-austin was molotov cocktailed- it wasn't neumann's fault, though it might have been springfield who was at least partially responsible.

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Hell Jumpers Parts 1-3 (edited)

Andrew morrie was a lieutenant, a recent graduate from an rotc scholarship. he was a young falcon, with greyish white feathers. he wore the standard chamo uniform. helmet, boots, fatigues, the whole nine yards.

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Hell Jumpers, part two

Warning. Though this story contains no sexual content of any kind, it is rather graphic and those of you who don't have the stomach may want to go elsewhere. And please, don't forget to comment. I'd rather have criticism then praise, so put plenty of...

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Hell Jumpers

Andrew morrie was a lieutenant, a recent graduate from an rotc scholarship. he was a young falcon, with greyish white feathers.

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Like Ivory and Ebony Chapter 2

'god rotc is boring, the test tomorrow is going to be too easy.. i'm glad i got to sleep on the bus this afternoon, i hate being tired all day.. i hope that wolf is doing alright, i can't believe he was actually... doing that to himself.

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A Sweet Setup

Apparently he's in air force rotc, which is pretty cool. even if he turns out to be annoying, it means he'll be out of my hair most of the day so i can write or sleep. i'm all over that. plus it means he's kind of cut.

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Covert Ops

Only a year ago he had graduated with the rest of his buds from rotc and got his commission in the marine corps. after a week of celebrating and spending time with friends and family, he got on a plain to perris island for officer training school.

Michael and Amanda, Chapter 25

I had several friends when i was in college who were air force rotc. and c. i. t. that's my career field. my mate and i work for a company in catlanna. we're here for the computer show.

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Like Ivory and Ebony - Chapter 1

I put my book back in my backpack, and headed to rotc. from there i went to physics, then onto my bus to my transfer station to my other bus, where i got to catch a little more sleep. my usual routine.

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Devin the Rebel (Diapers)

When michael was in high school, he knew people in the rotc who enjoyed collecting replica guns and knives. naturally, he wanted to serve in the military and be on the frontlines.

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"four years ago, when you reported to your rotc units, your blood was taken to be screened for diseases and medical conditions; it was also sent here for testing.
