Naruto vs Sasuke: Final Battle (Full Version)

"rasengan will only strengthen the fireball..." naruto grinned and threw his hand forward, casting the rasengan into the water, creating a wave slightly bigger than the fireball itself.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 4 (Home Coming - Part 4)

"rasengan!" naruto's launched himself at kakashi the moment he appeared, driving the swirling mass of chakra in his hand into kakashi's gut.

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Minato's Reality

Minato teleported from the spot that he was at to the kunai that he threw and shot two rasengans at the rogue. the rogue flew back and hit smack into a tree behind him. he slid down the tree and was laying there motionless.

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Minato vs The Darkness. The ultimate clash of Light vs Shadow

Minato growled and quickly prepped a rasengan, charging in as well to meet with his adversaries strike.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 3 (Home Coming - Part 3)

"you fully activated your curse mark... and... you used you're chidori against my rasengan." "right." \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* "naruto!!!" "sasuke!!!"

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"rasengan " in his paw, tasomon began to form naruto's special attack, though this time it seemed to grow larger and larger. thrusting it forward, it was met with the crimson claws of tymemon, being held back.

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"rasengan!" holding his hand behind him, the blond started to summon his age old technique, one that was just as devastating as... "chidori!" sasuke's right arm started to crackle with lightning energy.

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Naruto Nidaime Juubi(Spanish)

Haciendo que sus patas cedieran ante la gran cantidad de fuerza detrás de solo esa mirada "quien te crees que eres para decirle indigno a alguien" dijo naruto solo lo suficientemente alto para que arceus lo escuchara antes de saltar con un cho oodama rasengan

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