Inheritence -Chapter 1-

I waited six years to find my granddad's favorite brand of pomade. i wasn't the kind of lad, from childhood to now, who was known to explode with emotions.

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Close Shave

Then he looked at his face in the mirror, turning it to-and-fro to admire the cut of his ruff and the way the bar barber had slicked back the tuft between his ears with some sweet-smelling pomade. "we done here bill?"

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Sabre of Fox - prolouge

T any frenchman with powdered wig and pomaded mouth, but one with a head shaved after knight fashion and with scars after a sabre. polish nobleman isn?t any spaniard with flounces and puffed sleeves, but one with linen garment that isn?

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War Paint

And what else could he do- the leather jackets and the pomade for his head-fur, the switchblades were the camouflage and armor for a damaged warrior, which he saw in the mirror?

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4X+Y Chapter 01 - I'm Sorry (Part 1)

She may have overdone it a bit with the pomade in her morning rush. the sky was dim and gray, a blanket of clouds. it was still darkish out, most things were still more black and fuzzy than anything, but with each passing moment it was getting brighter.

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The Giant Bacteria: The Novelization, Part 1

Asked another colleague of ann's from kat's eye news, a tall, handsome and square-jawed reporter with neatly pomaded black hair. feral cleared his throat and jutted his considerable chin forward.

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