King of Spades
And they know your working life was a ploy to keep people off you. but the ploy has failed and they are after you. if you want to ignore this then do so but i plead that you listen and meet me at 5th and green st."
Splintered Light, Ch 8.2: Der Beschützer
The ploy the seditionists attempted has failed; there is no reason for wyra to go to war with the university.
Poem: Freedom
The freedom to choose is merely perceived your choices in fact have been made, upon the eve of a midnight of nights, many nights ago at a round table, full of corperates, ready to go at a marketing ploy to raise your rates and to make you look at those
Those Sundays
The afternoon sun is now well formed, thus i'll take my leave of your bright joy, while my chestnut beauty stands well adorned in sweet-scented hay, my learning ploy.
Feet firm for realities i couldn't let idle in delusion i made mountains from ant hills when others felt no intrusion they weren't meant to block out what i didn't enjoy they were made for those with their head in the clouds, those lost in their own ploy
The Fox of the Frozen North
The vulpine frolicked in the snow, filled with newfound joy, no longer did he walk with sadness, gripped by misery's ploy; thus, with determination, the creature traveled forth, for he was a wondrous beast, a fox of the frozen north.
My Heart
Beat, i will not give up, i will not stop, i will keep climbing until reach the top, each and every day that passes me by, i used to walk with my head held high, but i was used and abused, i have no joy, now i walk with sadness, gripped by misery's ploy
The True Nature of Dragons by Ser Arturian
._ _don't let yourself be swayed by their words, their gestures, their care; for under those eyes you may have exchanged glances of tenderness and thrust with lay nothing but vicious machinations and ploys._ _dragons are heartless soulless creatures and
Smart Poisons - 1 - Naming
Suicide bombing was a popular ploy, with planes, boats, cars, and civilians. but, according to rumor, for a militia soldier, it was better to be captured by the confederacy than the empire.
dark and stormy night chp2.1revised
I will tell you that if you sign up for a scholarship you will probably get it." he says as i think what a great ploy. "ok where do i start?"i say with a intrested look. "well you can come with me to my car and i can give you some applications."
FoxTail ch. 1 pt.2
"_ _ _ _"thank you, i tried but of course you can still see through my ploys."_ _ _ _"vornax, the time will occur when you and i must come clean to zalphine's family, at least to his wife.
Beach Day
Is this just a ploy to get me to go swimming?" "hahaha." jarzyl laughed because atlas had been exactly right. "why not? the water's nice. it's a great day to swim." "i don't like swimming.