Splintered Light, Ch 8.2: Der Beschützer

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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#49 of Splintered Light

Welcome to the second post of Chapter 8 of Splintered Light. This entire chapter will be told from the viewpoint of Karl Jak, the Wave Rider's Gunner.

This post starts up the morning after Karl and Emma have their talk. The Wave Rider draws ever closer to its goal and in the final leg of the journey Karl speaks with the Captain on a matter of importance. In return, Alistair extends an offer to the Gunner, who must then decide whether he is willing to commit. Here what readers decided:The Rottweiler clasps wrists with his Captain, feeling immediately better after sealing the deal. "Thank you, Kapitän. I will see to it that she is given due courtesy when I have the time to attend her." (modifiers for 8.4: +15% romance, +30% friendship, +15% scandal, +15% regret, +10% rejection, -10% duty)

Romance: Depending on the dice roll, the chapter may finish with immaculate romance or a m/f red border post.

Friendship: Depending on the dice roll, Karl and Emma may establish a strong bond that can provide certain relationship bonuses for the rest of the story and epilogue.

Scandal: Depending on the dice roll, Karl and/or Emma may have to account for themselves and their actions at a later point.

Regret: Depending on the dice roll, Karl and/or Emma may have lasting regret for something they (do not) do.

Rejection: Depending on the dice roll, Karl and Emma may gain a loathing or apathy for one another.

Duty: Depending on the dice roll, Karl may gain or lose some effectiveness as an officer aboard the Wave Rider.

Comments, questions, etc are now welcome!

Splintered Light Chapter 8.2: Der Beschützer

The following morning was a punctuated by an immediate increase in activity above deck as the winds shifted. To make matters even more difficult, the Wave Rider's look outs finally caught sight of the islands it had been sent to chart; they were directly upwind, requiring the ship to tack. Considering the speed they would be making while following a zigzag path to the island, and stopping at night in favor of a day time approach, they still had another day and a half aboard the ship but it was enough to raise the spirits of the crew.

Once the chaos of the immediate change in travel tempo had subsided Karl went immediately to seek council with the Captain; the Rottweiler had a lot on his mind. The Tiger had retired to his cuddy shortly after the new route was charted so that was where Karl headed. He rapped on the door with his knuckles, calling out. "Kapitän... may I speak with you?"

Captain Jacksoni called out from behind the door, his voice welcoming. "Of course, Mr. Jak. Please do come in."

The Tiger was seated at his desk with a sheaf of paper in one paw. His monocle was raised off of his face as he regarded the bundle but he looked up once the Dog entered. Captain Jacksoni lowered the writing as he addressed Rottweiler. "What can I do for you, Karl?"

The informal tone taken by the Captain was a relief as the Dog preferred to speak man-to-man rather than Gunner-to-Captain. The Rottweiler walked up to stand beside the chair facing the front of the desk; he waited for the Tiger to motion to it before taking a seat. Once he did so Karl explained the thoughts that had occupied his mind all night long. "I'm worried about what has happened with the University and the attempt on Lady Emma's life."

Only after saying 'Lady Emma' rather than 'Lady von Kriedeburg' did Karl realize the familiarity with which he referred to the ship's passenger but fortunately the Captain either hadn't noticed or didn't much care. The Tiger leaned back in his chair, tenting his paws in front of himself and responded with "Go on."

The Rottweiler nodded and did so. "If those seeking war mean to attack the Baron's daughter then they may be willing to try again."

Alistair flicked an ear, remaining quiet for several seconds before straightening up in his seat. "I understand your concerns, Karl, but I feel that is unlikely. Their ploy involved harming Lady von Kriedeburg with the intent of blame falling on the University of Progressive Understanding has failed. Now that those involved have been apprehended that particular approach--"

The Dog interrupted the Captain. "Men of action are not always men who think things through, Kapitän. They may well mean to cause her harm regardless."

The Tiger's whiskers perked as he grinned. "And you are assuredly a man of action, Karl... so I will ask YOU to stop and think things through."

Alsitair's comment could well have been taken as an insult but Karl preferred to consider it a polite reminder that the Captain was looking at things in a way he wanted the Rottweiler to do likewise. The Dog paused, approaching the debate like a pair of ships vying for a clean broadside. Eventually he came to the same conclusion he had before. "If those responsible for sinking the Nordstern are not yet done attempting to take the life of Lady--"

The Captain interrupted him soundly. "IF."

Karl regarded the Tiger. "Sir?"

Captain Jacksoni stood and walked around the desk to sit on it, facing the Rottweiler. "You are jumping at shadows, Karl. The ploy the seditionists attempted has failed; there is no reason for Wyra to go to war with the University. We will be delivering Lady von Kriedeburg safely to port and she will be returned safely to her father and all will once again be right in the world. You have no cause for concern."

The Dog let out a deep sigh, and slowly shook his head. "It does not feel that way, Kapitän. When I first met Lady Em-- Lady von Kriedeburg, I was in charge of her safety and even though I am no longer serving the Wyranese navy I do not so easily forget my duty."

The Tiger's tail lashed thoughtfully back and forth. He leaned further back on the desk as he hefted his feet up off the ground so he could cross them beneath him. "Does that preempt your duty to this ship or its crew, Mr. Jak?"

It was the question he hoped the Captain wouldn't ask so, of course, the shrewd man did. Karl shrugged. "I could not say, Kapitän. I was her father's 'Gast' on many occasions and it was my responsibility to look after his daughter. I cannot help but still feel responsible for her safety."

Captain Jacksoni nodded in understanding but his words suggested otherwise. "She is not a girl anymore, Karl, and you are the Wave Rider's Gunner, not her protector."

The Rottweiler shook his head. "I am sorry, Kapitän... I have a difficult time putting my thoughts into words. My concern is very much for this ship and its crew, but I am also worried for the safety of the Baron's daughter."

The Tiger nodded again. "Then I ask again, will this get in the way of your duty aboard the Wave Rider?"

Karl knew his answer, but he also paused for a moment's thought before providing it. "...it will not, Kapitän. Not on this journey."

The astute captain took note of the delay, and the Gunner's choice of words. "Perhaps you could provide me some clarity on that fact, Mr. Jak. What do you mean by 'on this journey'?"

The Rottweiler let out a deep sigh. "I know you are not concerned in the way I am, Kapitän, and I know I cannot make you understand, but I may have to resign from my post once we return to the mainland."

The Tiger recoiled, ears raised at that. It took Alistair a moment to formulate any words, the expression of surprise on his muzzle was not the norm for the usually calm Captain. "Is it that you are concerned for Lady von Kriedeburg's safety, or is this due to something else?"

Karl sat up a little straighter as Alistair's question brought about memories of the previous night's dream to him; the smell of Emma's hair, the touch of her soft hand, the sound of her evening gown falling to the floor or the tickling sensation of her fingers undoing his belt before her lips met his muzzle for a kiss. The Rottweiler cleared his throat. "As I said, Kapitän, it is hard to explain."

"Could I imposition you to make the attempt please, Mr. Jak? I would like to understand if it is possible."

The Dog shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He tried to find the right words. "Few people from my life before the Wave Rider have any respect for me. Lady Emma remembers me before I was discharged and does not look at me any differently. It-- it is a good feeling."

"Why were you discharged, Karl?"

Out of all of the questions Captain Jacksoni had ever asked him, the reason for his dismissal from the Wyranese Navy had never been one of them. Karl had promised himself that, should he ever be asked, he would be honest. Sitting there in front of the Tiger, at that moment, he had to force the words out. "There was an accidental discharge of a firearm. It happened below deck onboard the ship where I was serving as Oberleutnant. The weapon killed the ship's Kapitän. I accepted responsibility and they released me from service. That is why."

The Captain surprised him with some knowledge of Wyranese Navy customs. "I though the Oberleutnant on Wyranese vessels was responsible for crew, not equipment."

Karl had resolved to be truthful, and so he stuck to the promise he'd made to himself. "I accepted responsibility, Kapitän."

The Rottweiler could tell that the Tiger wanted to ask more questions but he also knew the Captain well enough that Alistair was wondering whether to push the issue or not. Thankfully, he did not, choosing instead to return to the prior topic. "Would you feel better if I were to arrange safe delivery for Lady von Kriedeburg once we get back to port?"

Karl thought about the proposition for a moment then nodded hesitantly. "Yes, Kapitän... but I would feel better if the man who was chosen to return her to her father was me. I cannot trust anyone in the same way I can trust myself."

The Captain paused at the proposition and then offered a reserved smile. "I can understand and respect that Karl. Perhaps that is something we can discuss on the return trip? There is far more to worry about in the meantime."

The Rottweiler could accept that. "Aye, Kapitän. I understand."

Captain Jacksoni stood and held out a paw. "I respect you as a man and I appreciate the service you have provided the Wave Rider and myself; if it were at all possible I prefer to retain your contact and keep you on the roster."

The Dog nodded in thanks and accepted the offered gesture, gripping the Tiger's wrist in a firm shake. "Of course, Kapitän. It has been my honor. I am thankful for that and I would like to continue to serve if you will have me."

When they disengaged the Tiger went back around to take a seat at his desk once again. "Now... in the meantime, let's see what we can do to remedy your concern..."


Alistair kicked his boots up onto the desk, leaning back in his chair. "Considering that Lady von Kriedeburg is of importance for civil and diplomatic purposes-- as well as your mental wellbeing, apparently, let us say that you shall be put in charge of her safety and care during the course of this journey."

It was hardly the offer he'd expected to receive from the Tiger. The first concern that struck the Rottweiler was the obvious one. "Kapitän, I am the ship's Gunner. Would you have me do both at once?"

Captain Jacksoni chuckled at that. "Karl... we haven't had a single engagement during our entire journey. This far out of shipping lanes I would be surprised if there were any pirates within leagues of our position. Let us say that you can do this instead of me finding other activities to keep you busy. We shall worry about gunnery service if we actually see an engagement but until then you can earn your pay being... what's the word... 'der Beeshootsder'?"

The mangling of the word was as humorous as the Captain's obvious ploy at satisfying the Dog's concerns. It was appreciated nevertheless. "Der Beschützer?"

The Tiger nodded. "Yes. That. You will be her guardian."

The Rottweiler flicked an ear. "I appreciate that, Kapitän. Thank you."

Alistiar smiled. "So then that is a yes? You will take ownership of her protection aboard the Wave Rider in addition to any other activities required of you as the ship's Gunner?"

Karl flicked his tongue through the cut in his lip in thought as he considered the proposal. A loophole came to mind, or, at least it was when dealing with an Ilysean businessman, which Captain Jacksoni was. "We will still discuss Lady Emma's safety before we put to port though, yes? This does not change that, does it, Kapitän?"

The Tiger laughed. "Of course not, Karl. I still anticipate discussing the safe return of Lady von Kriedeburg to her father once we are done with the task at hand."

The Rottweiler nodded again. "Thank you, Kapitän."

The Captain offered a polite smile. "Of course, Mr. Jak. Lady von Kriedeburg will be safe aboard the Wave Rider in the meantime, so I trust this will at least allow you to keep your mind on the current assignment?"

Karl offered a formal salute. "It will, Kapitän. Thank you, Kapitän."

Captain Jacksoni brought his legs down, taking his boots off his desk as he stood up. "Good... then that just leaves one more matter to address."

The Rottweiler lowered his arm. "Aye, sir?"

Alistair held out his paw again. "You have not yet agreed to my proposal. You shall act as Lady von Kriedeburg's guardian aboard the ship and keep her from trouble. In return, you will give me the opportunity to retain your services as Gunner assuming the method I find for her transportation to her father once we arrive at port is acceptable. Can you agree to those terms, Mr. Jak?"

Karl looked down to the offered paw, then up to the smiling face of the Tiger offering it. He looked once again to the extended arm, then up again to its owner. The Rottweiler extended his own, but did not quite let their fingers meet. "To what end, Kapitän? What will be expected of me in this capacity?"

The Ilysean Tiger smirked; like the rest of his countrymen Alistair was a shrewd negotiator and he apparently appreciated the same among his employees. "You will be expected to serve Lady von Kriedeburg in the same capacity her father had you do for her when you served with the navy. You will keep her safe from harm and see to it that she not get into trouble. Is that not the terms of your arrangement with the Baron?"

The Dog kept his paw at bay. "Kapitän, I was also to entertain her... but the terms established by her father are over 10 years old. Lady Emma is now a young woman and I cannot believe that the same requirements would--"

Captain Jacksoni blinked, eyes focusing in on Karl's slightly withdrawn fingers; had he inadvertently recoiled? The astute Tiger looked back up, commenting on something very telling. "Mr Jak... I cannot help but notice that you have now called Lady von Kriedeburg by her first name on several occasions. Is there anything I should be made aware of?"

The Rottweiler managed to un-grit his teeth before addressing his commanding officer. "Were there anything improper I would not be a gentleman if I were to reveal it... Sir. I will say however that no such thing exists. Lady von Kriedeburg has grown uncomfortable in her room and it has brought her a degree of reprieve to know that she has a friend on board... she requested that I speak to her informally."

The Tiger nodded. "I see... good man. I certainly did not mean to pry, and for that I apologize."

Silence stretched between them almost as long as Captain Jacksoni's arm. Alistair eventually gave his fingers a wiggle, bringing up the request again. "And my offer?"