A day at work

Now today i shocked myself, looking into my works folder i found this sitting about all finished just not uploaded aparently from 26/10/2010 xd all well here we are then i suppose, my first pliable micro story following a day at work for matt that goes

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Beautiful Night

It reached the muscles, feeling as though unseen hands were massaging them as they expanded underneath my skin, made more pliable by the forces changing me.


Ascenscion Run Rampant...

. ;) this tale is very pliable towards various style/genre fans so i hope people will read it and give feedback. :d ciao - sinfamy _

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Grimscale the Druid.

The flesh beneath the fur was covered with soft, pliable scales, lending a velvety feel to otherwise leathery skin.

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Transformed into the Easter Bunny

His nose tucked up neat and pert on the end of his muzzle, lips soft and pliable to cover those teeth as the base of his spine itched, allowing the bud of a white cotton-tail to blossom forth as if it had always been there.

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Antithesis, Lord Shaden's webs

He also had known that it would anger his uncle, and an angry warrior was much more pliable than one that was thinking clearly. not that it took much to anger nael'an these days.

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Luminari transformation

The silvery blue coloration starts spreading up your arms, the skin itself feeling more elastic and less pliable. like rubber, really, but biological.


How I Became a Dragon (transformation and fat furs)

As the process finally began to slow down i spread out on my front, the soft pliable fat from my belly spreading out to either side of me, though that was about the only thing that felt familiar, and even then my mid-section felt strangely elongated.

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Brothers: Chapter one, Moving On

Jurek just shook his head and prodded his father in stomach, the surface pliable and rounded. the older dog let out a short bark then as deep, rumbling laugh as he rubbed over the spot.

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 17

Made the whole thing much more pliable, and gave his arrows more speed and penetration. the others hadn't even noticed his bow was different yet, and this was one discovery he did not intend to share with them. "what a mess..."

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Five

The mistake, the inner flesh was soft, pliable. that also meant that it was easily cut. i had a sword. i could cut it. however, the inner flesh would have to be tougher than it should be. as a result, i swung the master sword with all of my power!

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Day Sail

"i know you have four wings," he said, poking at her water wings (which were fitted over those winged arms ... in such a way that her filmy, pliable wings were a bit scrunched). "but i'd rather not go for a swim. not in here."

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