The worst college Meeting (experimental)

Davide joined the chat Rick joined the chat Maria joined the chat Toby joined the chat Davide: "What's up guys!" Rick: "Hey" Maria: "Hiii" Toby: "So when is the meeting starting?" Davide: "Well I'm free at night may be at...

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The Odd place

This is a story inspired from the "peculiar furmeet" or should i say prequel to the outlast franchise where miles upshur is going to witness something worse than an asylum and a few variants

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A Pilot Chosen

There, looming out of the fog was fishleg's mech, outlast. an apt name, for the mech could outlast any other when it came to taking fire.

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The Fall of Umbria

Helplessly watching his kingdom fall before him, heart broken his soul torn, the magic that is now dead, cannot be reborn, the star shimmer has shattered, broken the world dies, on his behalf, his heart and soul shattered like ash, the fall of umbria cannot outlast


Minds: "Prologue"

." ~ inspirations: - asylum blackout (movie) - outlast (video game) - manhunt [series] (video game) what is the use of staying sane when there is no one with which to share sanity with?

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Broken dreams of love

The good i believe would outlast the bad. but nothing is as it seems. it was all a mask. falling for you. you caught me to let me go. to hit the ground below. as you laughed at the tears i cryed. dreaming of you. im so lost in you.

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My Spider Dance Lyrics

Climbing, falling, rising, shaking, feed you to my little pet like a puppet on my strings gotta move faster think you can outlast her? but be careful, it might tear there. think you can cheap out on me? i'll give you a lobotomy.


~The Great Masquerade~

Swiftly spirited away by the faceless one in black in vain you purposefully twist and sway determined not to be the next taken away but alas this is a fate you can not hope to fight although yours is quite an amusing plight you believe you can outlast

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Art Block

This torment can't outlast perseverance, i'll adjust sadness until it's gladness. struggle with the wall. i'll find another way and break this addled day, alternative passage becomes my new adage.


Blank Verse Essay on Intentionality in Queer Fiction

And i alone escape to tell thee: aye, i yet remain in this same world where homophobia is yet, has ever been, and likely shall outlast the day i draw my final breath. so let there too be stories of this world.

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All of this for a damn backpack

I wanted to get back home, do my school stuff and play some of that sweet outlast, i tried to be quiet as possible and nobody seemed to notice me.

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Dating a werewolf part 1

I got back to my car and drove back home, i checked my watch and it was 5 pm "5 five hours to wait, gotta finish my homework and play some outlast." i thought to myself, time passed again until 10 pm stroke.

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