6 fat fur twitteratures

The okapi could see some did consider her seriously for her looks. to one such stallion she smiled. she would have to get his number. #fat #furry #okapi 6 the whale's belly poured out.

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Rising Tide - Part 6 - STORY

Folding his arms, the okapi leaned backwards against the nearest wall.

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The Petting Zoo Draft

Further down the line, swanson and thomas see a sad rhino laying down next to an okapi. the okapi is reassuring him, "i know it's hard for you to make friends but i'm sure you'll do great where ever you end up." mr hamilton says, "alright everyone!

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #17- A Lot of Forward Thinking

It was more like a smirk as he eyed logan scott (okapi, g/f, ten) approaching from the tennessee bench after the final buzzer.

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Paradise Ascendant

Beyond the fluorescent signs and armed bouncers amassed crowds gawking at that night's main-- and complementary-- attraction: an okapi, scantily clad in strappy, black lingerie.

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Microscope - Chapter 2

Looking down on him was a young okapi, one of the three okapi's present in the cafe. quillan had been paying attention to them when he'd entered. so, this one is my contact... he thought.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #16- A Fine See-Saw Series

Logan scott (okapi, g/f, ten) and jeff random filled out an effective bench. but the biggest surprise has been jamie velasquez, a has-been veteran everyone had forgotten until this year when she remade herself into a superstar-caliber talent.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 139: The Most Scariest Thing Of All (All Of Our Tomorrows Were Yesterday Part One)

A okapi in the crowd asked as we took our seats. "something so profound that will cause you to question your beliefs, your perception of reality and your very lives." the unicorn said slyly. "everyone ready to see it?"

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Toronto City Wars: Warp vs. Bantam Beaver

An african okapi woman, who shifted uneasily as she addressed the superhero. "yes, officer?" she asked, and the okapi officer jumped slightly. "don't be so nervous. we're all on the same side here," she said reassuringly. "r-right.

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