Monuments and Melodies

A light to his right made shane draw his sword, but it wasn't myst. navixus ran to him, looking around in a panic as fires floated around him, created a halo of light that died away uselessly in the light-eating dust that was myst's power.

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Random encounter

Before anything else happened, myst commanded that zagarith sit with them. "why should i?" zagarith said definitely. he had closed his eyes and crossed his arms. "well because i don't think you want a dagger in your neck."

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Secrets of The Crafters - Chapter 1

##### Secrets of the Crafters Kai Glyn Llewellyn ##### Dedicated to Eda and Gogledd, perhaps the two best friends one could ever have, and who have always offered their support and kindness, in good times and bad. ##### Chapter 1 It...

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Preview of My First Story

Finally, there was a lot of inspiration from myst, from the fantastic worlds in the games, to the wonderful idea of linking to these beautiful places by books, such a lovely idea i felt compelled to write about.

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RH's Brachina

They're considered masters of the arcane and can utilize magic with ease, while holding the greatest influence within their ranks, forming a hell march or myst march depending if the brachina in question is infernal or aufernal.

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A New Companion, Ch2

Besides, don't you have myst to keep you company?" "ugh, i had to give him to a breeder. after that one day all he wanted was sex sex sex!

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Words: Prologue

I got the idea from playing 'myst', really... books that can take the person to another world, literally. it was really appealing to me, so i set this story to focus on it. there's nothing yiffy in this first chapter, but there will be...

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Issue 02: The Folks of Daracoss

They live exclusively in the empire tura'an in the three cities myst, ankh and cover (further information can be found in the issue: tura'an). the turanians are physically similar to humans or elves, but they are very different from them.


The Mage Apprentice (Ceil's Journey Part I)

"this amulet protects the wearer from the dangers of aether myst. that's why your statue isn't responding and proves it was nothing more than a hallucination. the secrets it shared with you were nothing more than things you already knew."

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