Here she first met her friend mondbluete, and then shortly after this, she met angel of darkness. they came closer and finally get together. they had so much trouble in their relationship but they kept it.
Angel, Asiza, Black, Death, Story, Wings, fallen, live, long hair
**My last thought**
**Chapter 2**
Hm.. how I would start...I think with my name, that would bet he best.
I´m Leopold but you can call me Leo, all my friends call me so or better... they done that...
I´m 17 years old and...
Car Accident, Love, leo, mondbluete, tears, tony
Phoenix (English) Phönix (German)
A Phoenix stands for a new life. Ein Phönix steht für ein neues Leben
A Phoenix stands for new force. Ein Phönix steht für neue Kraft
A phoenix stands for the beauty in life Ein Phönix steht für das Schöne im...
Liebe, Love, Phoenix, Xana, arme, feuer, heart, herz, leben, life, live, staub
# „You..."
Chapter 1
I should introduce myself first:
My name is Antoinette but all call me Tony and I am 16 years old.
Until yesterday I was a normal girl, Happy, irritable, cheerful, silly... A normal teenager...
School, chatper1, fingers, leo, lips, moments, pair, tony