An Actor's Mantra

Oh, maybe a mantra will help?" he slowed his breathing a little then began: "to sit in solemn silence on a dull, dark dock. in a pestilential prison with a life-long lock.


The End and the Beginning

I kept to myself, just chanting the hare krsna maha-mantra more than ten hours a day.

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First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- (5/??) -- {Kuroshingon}

"that's one of the basic abilities of a mantra-user." tatsuo said. "along with manipulating the elements." "so, my fists turning into steel, being able to manipulate fire is all part of mantra?"

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Living the Dream, Part One

He was nearly home, he had nearly navigated the sidewalks filled with a world of change that he didn't understand - and his mantra had broken pathetically broken.

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Seven

"you've chosen _cogito et creo_ as your mantra," mcgus went on. they were sitting at the arena's edge, safely out of my way. "latin for _'think and create.'_fitting. what's the purpose of a mantra during meditation?"

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The Casebook of Dr. Exeter, Chapter Three

Here i sad down and began to chant the mantras from the possessicon.

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The Start

June 26th, 2939, rhajaro mantra was granted an honorable discharge after 5 years active service as a pilot & operator in the vanguard class, e-warfare fighter nicknamed, sparky.

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Swami: Biography (Delura series)

One such task swami would encounter involved tracking the trade patterns of mantra, a ruthless space-faring clan that few dared to oppose.

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First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- EXTRA -- {Kuroshingon}

"i put a mantra seal on the edge of my blade to ensure thanatos' hunger is sated.~ if the target doesn't die, the wound thanatos left will eat him alive.


Anger Issues

She repeated a mantra she heard off of a semi popular tv show, regarding kitties and the softness of their fur, and managed to reign in her anger; if only for the moment.

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The Maelstrom

Until the day i tire of the repeated mantra, "it'll all work out." thank you for reading! all comments and criticisms are welcome.

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Transformed Struggles- 4

Instead i find even though i no longer need to say the little mantra as much, i still have to keep thinking about which leg comes next.

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