First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- (5/??) -- {Kuroshingon}
It has been awhile since I last wrote in the description of the stories and I have been trying out this new script thing to make the advancement more thick and easy to digest. However, I find that I am not enjoying giving very little detail of the characters in the story; it is simply not my preference. I will be reverting to my prose method of writing but I will keep some convenient parts of the script style for dialogue that is quite lengthy.
Without further ado, please enjoy this next chapter!
(Cover Art is the depiction of the 30th Ward)
** [BUREAU - Office of the Spymaster] **
"We've received reports that the kuroshingon have been mobilizing and becoming more organized as a unit. They're converging in the 30th Ward." an officer spoke, saluting his hand to the blonde man sitting on a desk before him.
"I see." the man said. "I take it Fumiko-chan is wanting the help of Genova in this matter?"
"Yes, sir." the officer replied.
"I guess it wouldn't be a problem to help out. It is in our policy. I'll send my best agents to accompany your stakeout mission." the blonde man said, his face revealing to be the one and only Kiyoshi Kitsune. "Has Fumiko found any leads to why this is?"
"Not yet, sir. But she has brought a task force into light. We ask for temporary members to join them. However, Fumiko asks that you offer someone expendable." the officer said.
"Expendable, huh?" Kiyoshi said, rubbing his chin. "Listen, I don't really do with expendable agents. Everyone serves their purposes here in Genova."
"Um.. Captain Fumiko asked that you might give someone who serves as infantry."
"Aha, you might've forgotten we are a special ops faction here, Ichinose. So either you ask for someone, or get out of this room." Kiyoshi smiled.
"Hm.." Ichinose, the vice captain rubbed his fingers on his chin trying to pick out a suitable asset to the Dragoons.
** [BUREAU - Genova Breakroom] **
"I'll be in a task force with my older sister...?" Jason asked, quite perplexed; looking quite recovered from his injuries.
"Yes, you will be. Plus another two people in your company." Kiyoshi said, chuckling a bit. The doors opened behind them and two silhouettes appeared from inside. One was like a young child, and another, a tall man with curly hair. They were revealed to be Pancho de Veranda and Taysuo Akifumi; two members of Genova.
"O-Oh.. I thought it'd be.." Jason said, but he was rudely interrupted.
"Raiki and Guren? Oh, they have their own assignments. Guren was busy and no one's seen Raiki all day. Also, I wish I could've attended your birthday party, Jason-kun! I swamped with work, hehe!~" Pancho called out, smiling.
"We'll be your two partners for this mission, Jason-kun." Tatsuo said, crossing his arms.
"Pancho, our stealth engineer expert and Tatsuo our tactical sabotuer will be joining you with the Dragoons. You'll be going to the 30th Ward securing and rallying the forces there." Kiyoshi said. "I'll be hearing only good news of you health and progress there. I have asked Fumiko to put you in priority when things go wrong. So, do not hesitate to retreat whenever necessary. Do not worry about your comrades in Dragoon, they're all very capable men." The fox had retreated into his office, leaving the three into a conversation of their own.
"So, um.. I don't really know where this 30th Ward is, but I'll help in anyway I can. Could you possibly brief me?" Jason asked, carrying his shoulder bag with him.
"We'll talk in the car." Pancho said, pointing finger guns at Jason. "Oi, old man, you got the equipment ready?"
"Only the bomb parts I need to supply them with. Anything you need is outside my range of responsibilities, kid." Tatsuo said, smirking as he went and took the elevator downstairs. Pancho then shaking his head ran over to his room. Jason had thought to himself that this was going to be another headache for him. But he was asked small favors by a friend to aid the Bureau, not because he wanted to. That favor keeps him from going astray.
** [SHINZUKU CITY - Passing through the 12th Ward to the 30th Ward] **
"So, we're just going there as manpower, huh?" Jason asked, quite in the dark about the operation. The car zoomed through traffic, ward after ward they passed through.
"I guess you could say that.. if you were rotting log, amirite?! Hah!" Pancho retorted, giving out his palm to high five the older male with them. To which Tatsuo just declined with a deadpan face.
"C'mon, Jason! You don't think this is anything like an adventure? This'll be your first field work, man!" Pancho said gleefully which led to Jason to slightly smile as well, a curve forming on his cheek.
"It's surprising that you're with us here, honestly. We're both engineers, but you're more of a field op in asset." Pancho said.
"I'm not really sure myself what my role in this is." Jason said.
"I'm guessing you'll be out there with the big boys." Pancho replied, patting Jason's back.
"More or less, Fumiko will need the extra manpower she needed. I guess Raiki was too busy to help out. I was opting that he would come since he's always free." Tatsuo said.
"Free? I'd think Raiki was always busy." Jason said,
"You'd think that, but he's actually really flexible. Because of his heritage, Raiki can do whatever he wants." Pancho replied.
"Figures." Jason said, rolling his eyes. He knew that his name and his reputation would have something to do with his work ethic.
"That's not necessarily a bad thing. Combined, Raiki does more work than any of us in Genova. He takes a lot of high risk-high reward missions." Pancho chuckled. "I think you being here balances the power struggle with Raiki. He's very able, smart, strategic and nothing short of a prodigy. Not even Jin who's had years of ninja training has ever bested Raiki in a duel. Not even Hayai-kun. But seeing as you withstood the shock he gave you the first time you met, I think you might be able to rival him."
"I recalled that he even managed to almost kill Kiyoshi in a sparring match. There's no doubt that kid has an advantage of some sorts." Tatsuo chimed in. "I was planning to inspect his mantra levels, but Yoshiyuki stopped me for some reason."
"That's.. interesting." Jason said. "I'm not really familiar with mantra and such, but I assume it's some sort of power you all use?"
"Oh, Kiyoshi hasn't oriented you? That's odd." Pancho said, rubbing his chin in confusion. "Kiyoshi always orients everyone about the use of mantra. That's why most of us can utilize it to its fullest."
"Sorry, I don't believe I have." Jason said, sheepishly smiling.
"You do know how to Soul Step, right?" Tatsuo asked, his eyes staring at Jason, expecting the answer he was thinking.
"A-Ah, yes. I do know." Jason stuttered, quite flustered at how he was being hoggered.
"That's one of the basic abilities of a mantra-user." Tatsuo said. "Along with manipulating the elements."
"So, my fists turning into steel, being able to manipulate fire is all part of mantra?" Jason asked, quite intrigued at the topic
"Generally, yes." Tatsuo said. "I'm surprised they don't teach this in Amerikka."
"We never had a term for it. Our scientists never really dabbled into our genes for it, they only sought to pursue the advancement of technology." Jason explained.
"It's breakthrough here in Japan. We've been studying it for years now." Pancho said as he yawned. "It's kind of a bore to read up on, if you ask me, but it's also good to know since our enemies know about it as well."
"Our mission will need all of us to know the nooks and crannies of mantra too." Tatsuo said. "They'll explain it for you, I don't know every detail and I'll be learning with both of you as well. I might be able to concoct something with that new information."
"This is all very interesting to me." Jason said, fascinated with every single thing that has been spoken in this conversation. Mantra and the like, he'll finally understand more about the things that govern this world; more than he already knows. "Back in my village we believed that spirits allowed us to have these abilities for practical use. We never had a name for it, but we used it for mundane tasks and helping people out. Then our government weaponized it."
"It is a suitable source for power." Tatsuo said, nodding. "Weaponizing mantra is something I do not agree upon, however. That's why I create actual weapons."
"Why is that? I mean, mantra exists to protect the ones we love, right?" Jason said.
"That is true. But what if someone has no one he cares for? Or has no one that cares for him? The only thing he has left is power. And it is dangerous." Tatsuo said, his eyes narrowing. Jason was sent into a flurry of emotions, remembering past times where people have abused power. The deaths of loved ones becoming ever vivid in his mind. Tatsuo's words spoke true, Jason could feel them. "I think you'll be learning that in this mission. Especially since that people we'll be dealing with are--"
"Hey, look! It's Fumiko-chan!" Pancho said as he waved outside the window; the chief waving back at him as well. The scenery outside the car has changed, no longer was the horizon filled with beautiful landmarks and high rise buildings. Instead, they were greeted by dilapidated infrastructures, smoggy skies and an absence of a community. They have entered the 30th Ward. This seems to be the only inhabited sector in the ward, the compound in which the surviving 'normal' people are housed. This ward was truly the definition of a dystopia.
Tatsuo closed his eyes, sighing. "Anyways, we'll be meeting Dragoon. I best remind you they're very esteemed personnel, the strongest in Shinzuku City and hold vast political power. Pancho, be cordial."
"Yeah, yeah, old man." Pancho gleefully teased as he exited the car first, happily being greeted by SCEPTRE's police chief. Tatsuo sighed in reply.
"So this is.. the 30th Ward." Jason could not believe his eyes that he was in the most dangerous part of the city. He assumes these are where crimes are centered and they were only required a task force to censure the area. However, Jason has a gut feeling this is something more. Something familiar he's seen before. With all the talks of mantra and it being weaponized, he sought the
"Good luck on your first field op mission, Jason." Tatsuo said with a smile, patting the teen's shoulder as he exited the vehicle as well.
** [BUREAU - Genova Breakroom] **
"You didn't join them. Fumiko specifically called for your name." Kiyoshi asked the man before him, sitting on the bar inside Genova.
"I've been assigned to a mission with you." Raiki said, giving the blonde a piece of paper. Kiyoshi gazed at it as his eyes slowly widened.
"So, we're being requested by your father, hm?" Kiyoshi said, putting the piece of paper down.
"What's interesting to note, is that this is a highly confidential operation. Check who we're not supposed to reveal this to." Raiki grunted, taking a sip from his soda can.
"Governor Kashikoi." Kiyoshi proclaimed.
"I don't know who these people are in this file" Raiki said, handing Kiyoshi a familiar looking folder made out of velvet cloth. "I assume that you do. The picture of Kashikoi in this photo looks very old."
"..." Kiyoshi gazed at the pictures inside the file, chuckling. "So.. after all this time.. he's finally tracked them down, huh?" The blonde male tapped at the location that was encircled in the file. 'Ushinamichi'. "This is an authorization that we need. We're finally going to get to the bottom of the looming threat the lingers over Shinzuku skies. We'll be hitting two birds with one stone with this."
"What do you mean?" Raiki raised his head to Kiyoshi, quite interested with that comment. "Two birds with one stone?"
"We'll be doing the governor a favor. Plus, we'll be gathering intel on Shinzuku's current enemies; the Visus Kings." Kiyoshi said.
"You don't think..?" Raiki said but stopped middway.
"I do think.. these people in the file will be tantamount to helping us defeating those 'kings.'" Kiyoshi said. "These proponents on the file are five of the strongest military commanders back in the day. I think Kashikoi is trying to protect them so Shinzuku cannot ask them for help."
"But why? Shouldn't they have an obligation to our city?" Raiki said.
"These were Kashikoi's adopted children." Kiyoshi replied. "It's second nature for him to protect them, seeing as he put them in danger back then."
"Before I accept, I want to know more." Raiki abruptly said, putting his soda can down, spinning his stool to face Kiyoshi. The blonde sighed, seeing as he couldn't let go of an opportunity as big as this. However, he did concede he needed the abilities of Raiki; even if he was about to be spilling some classified information.
"I'm under oath not to divulge the information, the state Senate of Japan has asked us not to speak of this to anyone." Kiyoshi said, looking at Raiki sternly. "You understand, hm?"
"I'm not helping then." Raiki said, dropping from his stool as he headed for the door. "My father can find someone else to risk his neck out in Ushinamichi."
"I know you're trying to find information on Kashikoi." Kiyoshi quickly interjected which resulted Raiki to stop in his tracks. "...You have to let that go. Besides, what's the point in getting back at him, either way?"
"You don't understand anything, Kiyoshi." Raiki said in a rather dark tone; normally he'd be using an honorific. This immediately put Kiyoshi on a startle. "He was the only one who gave a damn about me." Kiyoshi looked down, feeling quite disoriented at Raiki's behavior.
"I know I can't say anything to change your mind, but I will say this. Didn't your perspectives change when you two met? You hated this city, you hated the people in it. You said you wanted this city to burn to ashes and be banished into Jigoku to rot with Yami." Kiyoshi spoke sternly.
"..." Raiki looked down in regret.
"Now.." Kiyoshi said, "You would die to protect this city. You risked your life to protect lives that you had no care for. Did you think he would have wanted you bickering immaturely and grasping at straws for him? To see you suffer like this?!"
"You don't.. KNOW ANYTHING!" Raiki exclaimed, his lightning flared, streaks at ready to impale the man before him.
"For all the years you've known me," Kiyoshi shook his head. "you think I know nothing?" Raiki gritted his teeth and exasperated angrily, knowing that Kiyoshi was right. Kiyoshi knew everything that went around the city moreover on an international level. There was nothing he would miss out on, not detail left unnoticed. Raiki stormed out, pissed as he merely showed his back and never turned to look at Kiyoshi as he entered the elevator.
"...Fine." Raiki said before they parted ways. "As always, I'll find out on my own sooner or later."
Kiyoshi could only look at the letter he was holding him. "Raiji-san.. what are you trying to get out of this?"
** [SHINZUKU CITY | 30TH WARD - 30th Ward Survivor Compound] **
"Weeellll, hellooooooooo theeeerrre!~" A cheery but eerie voice called out as the silhouette cuaght sight of Jason and his companions. The female-looking boy then skipped across the concrete floor, pulling his scythe out and immediately attempted to slice Jason open. Jason, however, with his quick reflexes was able to dodge the attack; it also left Tatsuo and Pancho in a panic.
"H-Hey! Wha-what the hell?!" Jason said, airborne, landing on top the roof of the car they were in. The boy had jammed his scythe onto the concrete floor, not seeming to be able to pull it out.
"Aww," he said in disappointment. "Well, I guess I have to use these then.~" The boy then opened his dress jacket, revealing an assortment of knives hanging under his clothing. "Think fast!~" he shouted, throwing the sharp knives into Jason's direction. The teen effortlessly dodged the knives, but his face didn't look like it was an easy task.
"Stop it, Juuzou, these are our recruits from the Bureau." A raspy voice from behind called out, Juuzou then stopped and grinned at the blue-haired boy.
"Sweet mother of Arceus, what's her deal?!" Jason exclaimed, clearly exhausted from all the dodging.
"I'm a boy.~" Juuzou said, cutely pouting, slowly darting his eyes onto Jason's. "You don't like me, do you?~"
Jason's face was enveloped by a tint of pink. "N-no! That's not what I meant."
"Hihi.~" Juuzou giggled, pulling his scythe out from the ground with one hand effortlessly.
"You were able to pull the scythe out either way?" Pancho asked, quite intrigued at the boy before him.
"I just wanted to use my knives again.~ They've seen less action since I got Thanatos.~" Juuzou grinned as he rubbed the steel of the black scythe he held.
"God.." Jason said, glazing over his cut wound from one of the knives.
"Sorry about that, Juuzou gets excited when he sees people." The blonde, tan male said, shaking his head; earlier introduced as Badou. "My name's Badou, he's Juuzou. We work as 30th Ward's peacekeepers."
"H-He's a peacekeeper?" Jason asked, pressuring blood from seeping out his arm.
"Yep!~" Juuzou said as he latched onto Jason's shoulders, beginning to sniff his hair. Pondering for a bit, he licked the strands. "Nope!~ He doesn't seem to be a kuroshingon.~ Though I could be wrong.~" he said, jumping off Jason. The blue-haired male began to turn pale as he denoted what Juuzou said might be bad.
"A-A kuroshingon..?" Jason stuttered
"Don't worry, Juuzou's analysis is spot on a lot of the times." Badou said. "You're most likely in the clear."
"Most likely? A lot of the times..?" Jason asked, quite mortified.
"Do you have a desire to bite through my juicy arm?" Badou asked, showing Jason his arm.
"Uh.. no." Jason said, a weirded out expression forming on his face.
"You're not a kuroshingon then. Unless you were lying. There are other ways to make sure, all very painful though, if you'd like to be sure--" Badou said but was interrupted.
"N-n-no--! I-I like where my bearings are." Jason frantically shouted
"Suit yerself, kid." Badou shrugged.
Two well suited men came from behind the rugged looking brawler, bearing smiles on their faces. Thank god, thought Jason. He had hoped to see more than some crazy weirdo faces in this little coalition. Those smiles from the other two reassured him somewhat, it was weird but somehow it was right? With all that was happening so quickly, Jason couldn't even think straight. He just flashed a smile to the other two while looking back at his bloodied hand that was soaked from the cut.
"Well, then." Jason said to himself. "At least we're not all whack jobs here."
"That's insulting." Tatsuo said, looking away from Jason as if he was pouting.
"..Yeah." Pancho said as he just sat, hugging his knees; clearly sulking as well.
"I-I didn't mean you guys.." Jason said as he chuckled sheepishly.
One of the suit clad males came to address the teenager before them. The curly headed one reached his hand out for a handshake, to which Jason replied to with his own.
"Takizawa Ken, Chief Warden of the 6th Ward. A pleasure, Jason-kun." The jet-black, curly headed male said. The red-headed male next to him reached his hand out in conjunction.
"Tanzaku Kamishiro, Chief Warden of the 4th Ward." he said, smiling at the boy.
"Jason Alexander.. uh.. I'm from the United States. I currently stay here to continue my studies." Jason said, gripping their hands firmly. Jason always was reminded of handshake impressions; he wanted to make a good one with these highly esteemed members of the team.
".. A student, Fumiko?" Tanzaku looked back at the female, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.
"He's quite useful, he is my half-brother." Fumiko replied, arms crossed, expression looking very non-chalant.
"Very well, but he has to look out for himself. We're not in the business of babysitting." Tanzaku said, hanging his cane inside his coat.
"Don't you worry your precious little butt, Kamishiro, he's more than capable." the female chief rebutted.
An old but surprisingly husky and buff man came closer to the boy, with his partner who was clad in Arabian type clothing. The old man tipped his hat towards the boy; Jason was startled at the intimidating presence and nodded. Meanwhile his partner only gave him a narrowed stare to which Jason also nodded to, however, more nervous.
"Jason, this is Ganryu Aragami." Fumiko said, addressing the buff man. "He formerly had my position before I retired, he is here to provide intel and advice, however."
"Ah.. I-I see." Jason said, trying to look professional in front of the collection of powerful proponents before him.
"Nice to meet you, Alexander-san." Ganryu said, giving a warm smile over to the young rookie.
"His name is Jaleem Salem-Erahad, he was a war criminal back when Japan and Mongolia were enemies. Formerly a Middle Eastern refugee, he was a hired mercenary and assassin and joined the Mongolian Empire's ranks. The Shinzuku prefecture, our zone, took care of his contingent and we captured him as a war prisoner. The emperor of the now communist government of Mongolia had no plans to retake him, so we put him to good use." Fumiko said, crossing eyes with the mysterious man.
"Since then, he changed his name to Hitachi Zenkodokawa. He now serves Shinzuku as one of its Chief Wardens. He oversees the 2nd Ward, quite a high position, if you ask me. But he earned it with his loyalty and devotion." Fumiko ended.
"....hey." A coarse greeting, it sounded like he was even whispering it. But it was loud enough that Jason could hear.
"H-Hi.." Jason replied back, odded out by the man.
"Now!" Fumiko exclaimed, serious as ever. "I will not be joining you all in the operations to come, seeing as I have a whole city to tend to. Chief Wardens, I assume your subordinates have things under control in the other wards."
"Affirmative." Takizawa said, grinning.
"Mm-hmm." Tanzaku nodded and Hitachi just gave a silent stare.
"I wouldn't have asked the wardens to come form the coalition, but time is scarce and resources are low. The enemy is great and I cannot afford to send only infantry men here. We need someone to repel this situation." she said, valiantly as ever as if giving a motivatinal speech.
"I would've wanted to talk to you about this in private but.. you know the growing terrors of Visus overlook the city. Everyone is at panic and the trust polls are looking grim for our prefecture." Tanzaku said, hanging his head. "I'm not sure if I wish to continue being a part of.. whatever this is. I have a duty to my ward."
"I've thought about not taking the job as well, but.. seeing as the 6th Ward is the second most infested with kuroshingon, I decided to take the job." Takizawa chimed in.
"My ward has never been in danger because I seek to prevent all crimes that happen, or mitigate damage in some way." Tanzaku said. "With all due respect, you must've been slacking, Ken-san."
"Hahaha.." Takizawa chuckled, then his expression turning grim once more. "You're a rookie warden, Kamishiro. Kuroshingon have been the enemy before you were born. The 4th Ward is littered with high-end, financially stable people. It's also far away from infested zones." The 6th warden said, his tone darkening. "Alas," Takizawa's tone lightened as he shrugged. "Your inexperience is all factored to my plan. I knew you weren't qualified. It is fine, however, I do prefer working alone."
"It's not that, don't be cocky." Tanzaku said. "I just wish to secure whatever might happen to my ward. I have people I care about and this Visus group may invade without warning. We all knew what happened to the 1st Ward; one of the safest and most protected sectors of Shinzuku City."
"A minor mishap, Kamishiro-san." Fumiko said.
"Is the blimp incident minor as well, Fumiko-chan?" Tanzaku said, with a slightly snobbish look to his face. "I have a family I look out for, ma cherie. I know I've been summoned to serve and aid the commanding warden, but.. I use my one-time veto power to deny this request. For honest reasons, as you can see."
"Very well." Fumiko sighed, having to keep a light and cool demeanor despite wanting to explain and answer back. It didn't suit for her as a commander to lash out at subordinates over petty things. "You're dismissed."
"I wish you luck in this endeavor." Tanzaku slammed his cane to the ground, opening a portal to what seemed like gleaming skyscrapers; it was glimpse of the 4th Ward. The male stepped through the portal as it closed behind him. Fumiko then pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation.
"Looks like you need a new partner, Takizawa. Not even you can take on 30,000 kuroshingon at once." the commander warden said.
"You never know until you try." A sly remark from the other warden. "I suppose you'll pair me up with the student, huh? Guess I'll be babysitting after all."
"I can hold my own, sir." Jason firmly said, his eyes ready with conviction. It irritated him how his youth made it so that his skills in battle were somehow subpar as well.
"Heh heh.." Takizawa snickered. "What an interesting.. mantra you have. It almost feels like its burning me from that far." Jason could only swallow in his anxiousness as he noticed that the man before him is aware of his spirit.
"Tatsuo, Pancho, I want you to supply the infantry men at the compound with supplies and give them any upgrades to gear and weapons. Work with their requisitions officer to gather the needed materials." Fumiko said as the two gave a nod and a confident yes; heading towards the gate that led inside the compound. "Jason, you are Takizawa-san's partner from this day forth. He will be mentoring you in this mission as well. These aren't ordinary people you're fighting and it pains me for putting you through this, but we are scarcely out of reliable men." Fumiko said, a concerned look growing over her face. Jason had noticed this and gave a reassuring smile.
"A lot of things have tried to kill me, and I'm still standing here. I'll mange, big sis." Jason said, smiling down on his sister who was noticeably a bit shorter.
"Be safe." Fumiko said, kissing Jason's cheek as she continued to take her leave with her vice-warden, Ichinose. Jason then turned, closing his eyes.
"This more than I bargained for, Joseph." he said, looking down at the barren ground as he shook his head. "Hehe.. I've smacked gods in the face before, I'm sure I can do this." the teen looked at his still bandaged arm; he had patched himself at the last two weeks he had been here. He had decided that the coursing pain had come ro recede. Taking them off, he could see visible marks of Raiki's fingers. Frowning, he sighed. "A lot of things have been going on; it's another adventure for me it seems. I'm not sure I can ever live a peaceful life.."
'Mom, Dad.. Damien.. Sarah.. Joseph.. Charlie.. watch over me.' the boy thought as he put the used bandages away into his bag.
"Hey, let's move, kid." Takizawa called out, giving the boy a snarky look. 'Who is this kid and why did Lisbon assign him to this mission? Is she throwing away this kid's life? There's no way.. but his mantra. Something tells me this kid has experience.'
"I'm coming." Jason replied, his eyes set on the broken down compound before him. Looking back at the things he's done, it seems the fight does not end here yet.
In spite of all that's happened, all that he had believed in, fills him with determination.
(Next time: The 6th Chief Warden, Takizawa Ken: "A Halo only Falls a Few Inches to Become a Noose")