Even The Losers
**even the losers** "even the losers get lucky sometimes" - tom petty two hooved feet filled with trepidation clopped up the old wooden steps.
Back Brush
This company doesn't hire losers. with your back fur unbrushed like that, you look like a loser." "so what am i supposed to do about it?" "fake it." "huh?" "go get a back brush." "but those are for losers!"
In The Sky With Diamonds - Chapter 1
I didn't want to be called a loser. new, troubled thoughts enter my mind. what if i am always a loser? what if no one is attracted to me? what if i end up alone? the thoughts stab me, one by one; they cripple me, if only for a minute.
Don't know me ch2
"you won't like it if you look at me, i'm a fat loser, and no one ever comes to buy me because of it." "i told you you're not a loser, and have you looked at me...i'm bigger than you." i said with a small smile.
Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Six : End)
You probably think i'm a pathetic loser." _no, you're not a pathetic loser..._ "i don't think you're a pathetic loser. i think you're the nicest sweetest guy around." "i don't deserve your praise..." "what makes you say that?" "look...
Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ii - Ll)
During the time of their servitude, the loser may be requested to complete any number of menial tasks including sex. the loser may only refuse a request if it was to cause any permanent physical harm to themselves.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 9
"okay, 'the loser's legion' it is!"
Silver Grapevines
I'd rather be the loser than the lost i asked of you, which would you rather?
Why Were You Smiling That Day?
Again going back to that word, loser, i was in the crowd of losers and social misfits. of course all of my childhood friends didn't want to be seen with someone from that crowd. oh no, i wouldn't want to damage their reputation.
The Silver Lining-Part 1
"sounds good, what happens to the loser?" she said raising an eyebrow. "hmm...i hadn't thought of that, how about the loser has to..."
A New Dawn - Chapter 17 (The Clothes Make the Dragon)
The stipulation for the loser was pretty steep, the severity of the losers punishment depended on who won. as long as i don't come last everything would be fine. i didn't expect to win, this was my second time gliding, i just didn't want to come last.
The Golden Stag, Pt 2: CWS Distress
Maybe being a loser was normal. maybe being normal was for losers. i wasn't winning in life though. i laid on my bed, did my midnight routines, and then went to sleep. my dream involved something that bothered me.