Even The Losers

**even the losers** "even the losers get lucky sometimes" - tom petty two hooved feet filled with trepidation clopped up the old wooden steps.

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Back Brush

This company doesn't hire losers. with your back fur unbrushed like that, you look like a loser." "so what am i supposed to do about it?" "fake it." "huh?" "go get a back brush." "but those are for losers!"

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In The Sky With Diamonds - Chapter 1

I didn't want to be called a loser. new, troubled thoughts enter my mind. what if i am always a loser? what if no one is attracted to me? what if i end up alone? the thoughts stab me, one by one; they cripple me, if only for a minute.

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Don't know me ch2

"you won't like it if you look at me, i'm a fat loser, and no one ever comes to buy me because of it." "i told you you're not a loser, and have you looked at me...i'm bigger than you." i said with a small smile.

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Clinging Onto a Hope of Happiness (Chapter Six : End)

You probably think i'm a pathetic loser." _no, you're not a pathetic loser..._ "i don't think you're a pathetic loser. i think you're the nicest sweetest guy around." "i don't deserve your praise..." "what makes you say that?" "look...

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Ii - Ll)

During the time of their servitude, the loser may be requested to complete any number of menial tasks including sex. the loser may only refuse a request if it was to cause any permanent physical harm to themselves.


Silver Grapevines

I'd rather be the loser than the lost i asked of you, which would you rather?


Why Were You Smiling That Day?

Again going back to that word, loser, i was in the crowd of losers and social misfits. of course all of my childhood friends didn't want to be seen with someone from that crowd. oh no, i wouldn't want to damage their reputation.

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The Silver Lining-Part 1

"sounds good, what happens to the loser?" she said raising an eyebrow. "hmm...i hadn't thought of that, how about the loser has to..."

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A New Dawn - Chapter 17 (The Clothes Make the Dragon)

The stipulation for the loser was pretty steep, the severity of the losers punishment depended on who won. as long as i don't come last everything would be fine. i didn't expect to win, this was my second time gliding, i just didn't want to come last.

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The Golden Stag, Pt 2: CWS Distress

Maybe being a loser was normal. maybe being normal was for losers. i wasn't winning in life though. i laid on my bed, did my midnight routines, and then went to sleep. my dream involved something that bothered me.

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